Chapter 12: A Realm in A Haze

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Evealyn can't quite help but feel as though Rae's words sound like that of suspicion. However, unable to pinpoint what she's suspicious of. No matter what it is, she feels that it might be best to act oblivious as to know what she's really asking rather than answer blindly. "I'm not sure what you're referring to."

"I mean wouldn't you ask more about the Meridian and what it is?" Rae inquires as they are making their way back to the lower floor.

"Oh that's what you meant." Evealyn was relieved to hear that's all it was. "I thought I could ask you about it a little more once we were out of the labyrinth." To think she was worried about Rae finding her out. As she too would have thought it was strange if someone who had a breakdown not too long ago would easily accept such a huge change to their lives over night. However feels that she should be a little more cautious.

"Oh really well what would you like to know, whatever it is I'll try and explain to the best of my abilities."

Evealyn is worried again as she hadn't really thought of what to ask. "Well for starters, I'd like to know what this place is exactly."

"To answer that it's somewhat like a pocket realm of sorts. A completely different space from the house itself. For those who know about it tends to give off a calming atmosphere. So it's good for whenever you just want to get away." Rae explains

"Okay, so it's another realm?"


"Then are there other realms besides this one?" Evealyn asks a bit curious

"I believe there are some others. However it's a bit tedious to access some of the others. This just happens to be one of the few more accessible ones. Those tend to be the safer ones. While the others as far as I know are quite dangerous. But to tell you the truth I don't really know to what extent." Rae points out, leaving Evealyn to ponder if this is one of the safe ones then-

"Can spirits enter into the Meridian?"

"The more passive ones can, however hostile ones are prohibited due to some sort of barrier surrounding the area." Rae says but was a bit hesitant with answering at first.

Evealyn finds this all too interesting. Feeling that explains why the spirit or creature she saw couldn't follow her in. Rae notices as Evealyn brings her hand up to her neck rubbing it. Rae wonders if that means she's uncomfortable about something as she's been doing quite often while they were trying to get out of the labyrinth.

The two are back on the lower floor, the bright light shining down from the windows. Making all the elixir shelves glimmer, Evealyn remembering the elixir from the day she had her breakdown. The shimmering glow like glitter, the tiny bubbles all suspended in the liquid. However it had a feeling of a facade in a bottle, it's beautiful but it hides something.

Almost like the life of a celebrity or influencer trapped in a bottle. Making her question something but as soon as she does feels a throbbing pain in her head. Evealyn stumbles a bit and Rae reaches out to catch her.

Rae is not sure if it's the bright lighting of the room or what but Evealyn looks a bit pale. "Are you okay Ev?

"Yeah just a little bit dizzy that's all." Evealyn says steading herself easing out of Rae's arms.

"Are you sure, cause you look a bit pale." Rae says worried at how weak she's looking right now. Face looking a bit drunk with lost rosieness.

"That's due to me staying indoors so often recently." Evealyn finds it a bit hard to get her words out but manages. Starting to feel a bit dazed and disoriented just like she had in the Labyrinth and back when she woke up from fainting that time.

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