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We began our relationship steadily, just like any other couple, perhaps even exemplary. Beside her, each day felt like time stood still. The orange hue of the sunset merged with the horizon, nightfall silently arrived, stars dotted the sky, and bubbles in the soda reminded me of the summer air, just like her. I was captivated by her eyes, as gentle as the sea, stirring a breeze of affection within me, quietly infiltrating my heart, making this sultry season seem dreamlike because of her. However, one day out of the blue, after class, she said to me:

"Let's break up. I feel like time is passing by, maybe your friend Wu Zhiyuan can offer me the future I need."

I was completely shocked. We were just happily in class moments ago, and now she suddenly wants to break up. Oh well, that's how the world is, whoever leaves, life goes on. The cruelest thing in the world isn't failing to meet the one you love, but meeting them and then missing the chance; the most heart-wrenching thing isn't when the person you love doesn't love you back, but when they once did, and then stopped. "We once loved each other, just the thought is bittersweet." After the breakup, I'll still remember you, but I won't seek you out anymore. Your world no longer has me, and mine no longer has you. I can't cherish you anymore. Sorry, what I've lost, you've lost too. Perhaps you'll never know, but your words will stay with me for a long time; your casual promises, I've kept faithfully.

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