1. Beginning

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*(Y/n -your name

L/n your last name

B/n brother name 

I'm sure you get the idea by now.)*

"Hey are you scared or something?" My brother grumbled crossing his arms in frustration, his face creased with impatience.

"I'm not going in, there's a monster b/n!!" My e/c eyes filled with tears, this was my 6th birthday, after my favourite cake my brother and his friends wanted to go exploring, he was eight at the time.

"There's nothing there!" My brother's friends chimed in. 

"Yeah! Only stupid little kids believe in monsters! Are you six or two?"

My eyes welled with embarrassment and being the impressionable child I was I decided to ignore the strange noises inside the cave and stepped in.
This was my first time seeing what I would later understand as a curse.

I remember running out of the cave screaming to my parents, who only scolded my brother for scaring me on my birthday.

Thing is, if I had stopped seeing them it would be normal for a kid to imagine a monster
but here I am at 14, nearly 15 still seeing them, I see small ones in normal places not always, but a few scattered among a shelf in the supermarket, or clinging to someone seeming to somehow bring the person pain even though no one except me seemed to see them.

I've come to accept them as normal, I try not to let and signs that I see them loose, my mother only grows worried if I tell her, she's already tried twice to book me a psychiatrist session.

One day I arrive home from school, my school isn't anything special, it's kind of miserable to be honest so more curses have been around.

Then I see something unexpected, my mother is at the door with a guy with glasses on. 

Oh shit.

"Welcome home sweety!" I wave back but look at her suspiciously causing her to look away.
"This is Dr White! He just wants to talk to you."  

"Mum stop-" She glares at me determination in her eyes.

"No Y/n I won't stop! You've been seeing things since you were six! It's not normal!"

"You're acting as if I'm crazy." Then, the doctor decides to speak up.

"Listen Y/n-"

"L/n." I look at the floor not wanting to be addressed so informally by him.

"Right. L/n. Listen It's very possible you have some kind of undiagnosed schizophrenia."

I stare at him, how dare he? Judging me when he doesn't even know me.
I look away hurt flashing in my eyes before I turn away and run out the door, my mother calling for me.

"Ms. L/n leave her she's in denial" My teeth clench at his words and I put my coat back on grabbing my airpods and leaving.

Yuji Itadori x F!Y/Nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن