3. They're real

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He can see them..?

My eyes widen when I realize I'm in the arms of a white haired man, how the hell..? 
I didn't even realize he picked me up.

"About time." I hear the black haired boy mutter angrilly, blood flowing from his head.

"C'mon Megumiiii you couldn't handle a special grade? But you did so well with that first grade!"

The boy named Megumi frowns at the white haired male angrilly.
"Oh and also.. how'd she get here?" 
Megumi doesn't seem to have an answer so I speak.
"well uh I was going on a run but then I saw this building and I.. saw a strange barrier type thing and investigated."

"Huh? Most normal people can't see it, also why would you investigate anyway? You have a death wish or something?"

I huff not liking his tone towards me.

"huh and you can see them?" the white haired male gestures towards the fallen body of the monstrous thing that once lunged at me, it's being torn appart by those strange dogs of his.

"Uh yes, why are they eating it isn't that bad for them?" 
I look away disgusted by the things innards being torn appart.

"They're demon dogs.. the same species as the thing they're eating pretty dark right?"

I nod looking up at the white haired guy still holding me.

"Oh uhh could you put me down?" 


I let out an oof as he drops me to the floor.

"Thanks." I mutter sarcastically. Which he returns with a your welcome, smiling cockily.
I stand hastily brushing off my trousers ready to leave when the same guy who dropped me turns to me.
"Hah wait a minute have you seen these things before now?" I answer with a curt nod, not wanting to seem crazy, although they both seem to see them too.
"I'm not crazy right..?" The fair haired man chuckles shaking his head.

"Not yet at least."

I scowl at his dark comment which he laughs off before inviting me to a kind of school
for people who can see these things. 
I tell him I'll think about it. He gave me Megumi's number, telling me to text him if I want to accept. Megumi didn't seem too happy but complied leaving his name in my phone as fushiguro, which I assume is his last name.

"Oh by the way my name's Y/n L/n" I grin I was beginning to doubt myself, thinking my mum was right about me, but this changes everything.

I take a bus back after waving goodbye to Fushiguro and the white haired man I now know as Gojo.

When I arrive home my mother ignores me seemingly angry about the therapy session I refused to entertain.
I walk upstairs happy to know I'm not alone in this, I curl up in my f/c bed and rest. 

I decide not to text Fushiguro for a while. After all I saw what that curse did to him, and I don't really want to die at the moment. At least not a whole lot. 

Yuji Itadori x F!Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now