4. Silence

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Warnings: Gore and Blood +Grieving and death of family member please skip if that scares you.

I wake up from my dream, everything's blurry, I blink once, twice, silence. 

Wait..silence?? My mother always wakes me up it's so late.

I hop out of bed and run out of my room, and what I see shocks me.

Blood is all over the floor and claw marks are in the house. I run down stairs immediately, oh god..

My mother's laying there with her throat cut open glassy eyes staring at nothing with a note in her hand clutched tightly.

I go pale I walk slowly towards her as if in a daze, she's not dead, she's only hurt please..this can't be real. 

I slap myself once. I'm still sleeping, and she's still bleeding. 
No. I have to wake up. I have to.

I slap myself again.

Nothing. Tears I didn't know I had start pouring down my face I let out a sob.
There's blood everywhere.

I walk closer, until the crimson liquid pools around my feet I fall to my knees in front of her.

I grab her cold, clammy and lifeless hand. No. Nonononononono. 

She isn't ..she can't be. 

Finally I reach for the note, hoping for an explanation, hoping the note says it's a prank. 

Hoping for anything, anything to disprove the realness of the situation.

I touch the note and gently pry it from her hands. 

'Hey y/n I have a feeling this night may be my last, I've felt a presence recently, one that seems so ominous I've struggled even talking to my own daughter or writing this note. 
I just want to say, I'm sorry for calling you crazy everything I understand how you feel now.

If I die and you get this note please, move away from here and help others, you were always kind like that. 

Love you, Mum.'

A presence does that mean...??

I call Fushiguro I don't care I need to stop the thing that killed her, hurt my beloved mother.

The realization that she finally knew how I felt after never understanding, felt weird.

I ring him, two rings and he picks up. "Yeah?"

I struggle to form words, my voice comes out croaky and panicked.

"M-mum.. dead" 

I can practically hear the shock in his voice.
He tells me he's coming over but I don't understand how he's able to without knowing my address. 

A few minutes later and I hear a ring. I can't get up. 
I hear a knock. I will my feet to move, an overbearing feeling of dread grabs hold of me, but then

something else does too.

Yuji Itadori x F!Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now