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Rimuru Pov
Rimuru Pov

I awoke to the sound of the front door sliding open. I got up to see what was going on.

"Father? What are you doing?"

Rimuru refers to Urokodaki as her father/master.

He turns around and looks at me, he hold up a paper.

Father " I have gotten a request to teach another student."

" who is it from?"

Father " it is from Tomioka."

My eyes widen as his words Giyu Tomioka was Father's student when I was very little. I remember him and sometimes he sends us letters. Now he's a hashira.

Father " this case is very unique. I'm off to go find the students he wants me to teach"

My eyes widen at the words student and my heart begins to race as I am full of excitement.

" students? As in multiple? "

Father nods his head.

" Are they my age?! Will we train together?! What if we go to final selection together?!"

I jump out of my bed. Question after question filling up my mind.

Father" Maybe... well! I am now off I should be back in one day. I trust you can take care of your self?"

He look toward me his hand on the door frame. I nod excitedly.

" Of course Father! I'll be good and get everything prepared alright? How many people are coming?"

I turn towards the extra bed room. Pondering who the people are and what they are like.

Father" two... there are two."

" yes Father , I will start getting the guest room ready! I will also start putting up the mountain obstacles!"

Father "ok, I'll be on my way now."

" bye! Come back quickly ok?"

Father then stepped out side and closed the door. The next full day
I spent getting the guest room ready and setting up the mountain traps. While having a smile on my face.

( it's been so long since Father has ever trained someone. Maybe it's a girl! So I'll have a friend! And if it's a boy maybe they can help me improve my strength, cause boys are super strong right? I'll get to train with them its gonna be super fun! Maybe I should leave easy traps so it easy for them. But would they get the full experience? I'll leave a few hard ones maybe...)

The next day I waited.

And waited...

And waited...

And waited...

But then, I heard foot steps. I jolted upward and peeked through the door. There was Father. But there was also a boy, he had a red tone to his hair and red eyes. He had a mark on his forehead, he wore a green checkered haori. He was also carrying a basket with a blanket over it.

Listening closely I heard Father take him up the mountain so he could take the test. Later Father came back down with the basket he set it down in front of me.

I looked at it there was something living inside. The aura the basket gave off was demonic but it wasn't evil... I opened the cover to see a girl... a demon girl to be exact, but she seemed to be sleeping.

Then Father spoke:
" Rimuru, this girl and the boy you saw are siblings. This girl is a demon, but I am sure you already knew. This girl has seemed to maintain her humanity even after her transformation to a demon. She is asleep right now but I am sure that she will be a great person and important figure for the demon slayer history. If the boy passes the test I will train him. Along with you."

My eyes widen at his words.

"But she's a demon! We can't let her live. What I she tries to eat someone?"

I threw my hands out to my sides to give it a more effective tone.

" isn't it against the rules of the corps?"

Father nodded but then continued

" we will have to see her loyalty after, that is if her brother makes it back."

Accepting defeat I nodded and turned towards the girl. Picking her up out of the basket I carried her to the spare room I placed her on the bed in the corner and closed the window.

( a demon girl that's good? Huh. I'll just have to hope her brother get back. Maybe she'll wake up then. )


Over the next year Tanjiro and Rimuru trained together, getting along pretty well. Rimuru slowly Accepted Nezuko even through she never woke up.

As their training went on it was clear that Rimuru had a natural talent. Maybe it was just that she was raised by a former hashira.


She felt as though she knew everything already the movements were familiar, and sometimes she knew thr moves before the Master even taught her. She didn't even need to be corrected as she always got the movements right. This puzzled her as it puzzled everyone else.

Sometimes Rimuru would help Tanjiro train. They would get along very well then. It seemed as if they were best friends.

Rimuru Tempest  x  Demon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now