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The next few months of training were lonely for Tanjiro. As after Rimuru decided to create her own breathing she was being trained by Urokodaki and often spent her time alone on the mountain.

During the next 8 months Urokodaki often sent Rimuru off to other Master's and trainers. There she learned new breathing techniques that she was able to master and mold into her own techniques.

During this time she learn forms of: Thunder Breathing, Flame Breathing, and  Wind Breathing.
During this time she was also able to convert water breathing too.

Rimuru ended up with 5 official forms:

First form. Storm breathing. Raging Whirlpool.
Originating from water breathing, the user uses their sword to create a suction that draws in anything near. Allowing the user to strike the opponent while continuing the technique.

Second form storm breathing. Eye of the Storm.  Originating from Water Breathing. The user will Maintain a calm deminure while blocking parying and defusing any attack with multiple slashes that create a wind force surrounding the user.

Third form. Storm breathing .  Lighting strike.  Originating from Thunder Breathing. The user dashes at the target or multiple targets at lighting speed decapitateing or injuring the opponent(s).

Forth form. Storm breathing. Tempest wolf.
Originating from Flame  Breathing. The user charges forward and attacking with slashing attacks making it seem as a wolf is attacking the enemy.

5th form . Storm breathing.  Charging winds.  Originating from Wind Breathing. The user dashes forward propelling them selfs and attacking everything  surrounding the user. Is almost impossible to dodge.

During the time Rimuru made these forms she had them looked over by her Master and the other Master's that taught her. Though makes the basic movements of the forms was hard. Finishing, polishing, and perfecting them were a whole other story.

As Rimuru had not perfected them as it would take much longer than a time period of 8 months.


Walking home after practicing my new forms was tiring. I'm starting to think training with Tanjiro was more enjoyable. Though that could be expected.

I lift my head to the sky. Seeing that I had been training since morning, and the stars were now visible. I sighed as I thought about  how u would get scolded for training so late again.

(It's not like I'm going to stop now. If I make this a habit though Father might take my sword away like last time.) The memory flashed through my head.

I stop walking when I reached
the door. Sliding it open I see a light on. Next to it is a head of long red hair. Tanjiro turns towards me at the sound.

He smiles
Tanjiro "Hey Rimuru! I saved some dinner for you!" He waves his hand for me to sit next to him.

" Oh thanks. You didn't have too."
I smile embarrassed.

Tanjiro " No! It's fine!" He frowns " Why do you keep staying up late it's bad Rimuru. Keep your health in mind."

I laugh alittle.
" I'm fine. If I don't train I won't be able to protect you from the scary demons. Whoooaoo!"
I tease him a bit, waving my arms in the air ghost like.

Tanjiro " Hey! I'm gonna become a demon slayer too! I won't need you to protect me. How can I protect Nezuko if I can't protect myself? "

I put my hand on his shoulder.
"I'm just kidding. Don't take it sk seriously. Mm-k?"

I looked him. And he nodds at me smiling. I then eat my dinner while we make small talk.


As I ate the last of the food I turned to Tanjiro.
" Hey... umm.... do you perhaps forgive me for leaving you alone through Father's, hellish training?"

I'm nervous cause I left him alone all this time. Even though it was his idea for me to do this. I'm not quite sure if he's mad. He is kind but I hope I didn't hurt his feeling. Tanjiros my friend.

Tanjiro looks at me surprised.
Tanjiro " What? Why should you apologize?"

I look at him.
" Well since I left you alone. With hellish training. After you gave me such a good idea."
I twiddle with my chopsticks.

Tanjiro " So? You were busy training hard to get better. I admit it was lonely, but I got better too now also!"

He smiles after that last part. Obviously proud with himself. I smile at him as I put my dishes away.

" Thats a relief! Well I might as well head off to bed. Thanks for saving me dinner "   I turn away giving him a wave over my shoulder.

Tanjiro "Your welcome!  Good night!" I hear him as I close my door. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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Rimuru Tempest  x  Demon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now