The Difference

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Though Rimuru knew all of the firms and had demonstrated them perfectly, the movements and flow of water breathing did not match up with her body.

Water breathing relies on flexibility. Though Rimuru is plenty flexible and might be considered unnaturally flexible, ( AN. I'm doing this cause Rimuru is a slime. Though she has a human body I'm just bringing over some of her traits.) flexibility is not her strong suit. Rather speed and brute strength.

Rimuru specializes in fast attacks and relies on her brute strength alot. ( if you watch the anime there are times when Rimuru shows off her strength, and even more in the manga.) Due to this fact Rimuru though perfect understanding of the forms can not perfect the Water breathing style.

Taking notice of this Rimuru was very worried. She did not know what to do about her situation.

Walking down the mountain Rimuru's head is down as she is deep in thought.


Tanjiro " h♡y R◇♡♤♧u? Is s♤♡e♡♧♧♧ng w◇♤♧g?"

(AN. Sorry I'm bad at making stuff sound muffled or zoned out. Just bear with me please?)

Deep in thought I couldn't make out any of the words that Tanjiro was saying. Continuing down the mountain my foot hit a root a tree, just a I was about to plant face forward into the dirt hands wraps around my waist to prevent me from falling.

( wha-?)

Tanjiro " Whoa! Rimuru, are you ok?"

I turned my head to see Tanjiro hold onto me with a concerned look in his eyes.

" Hmm? Oh sorry. Thank-you for catching me." I smiled at him showing my appreciation.

Tanjiro " Your welcome. Are you ok there? I kept calling your name but you wouldn't respond." He pulled back up and stepped back looking at me with his arms crossed.

" Oh... I'm sorry I- ... was just thinking." I say scratching my nape.

Tanjiro " Do you wanna talk about it?"

I smile " Ya that would be nice"

Tanjiro smile warmly and grabs my hand as we continue to walk down the mountain.

" I just-... am having trouble with the breathing forms. Not that I don't know them! Just they don't feel right."

Tanjiro nodds at me. Showing he's listening.
Tanjiro " Ya, you got them practically perfect. But maybe water breathing just isn't for you."

My breath hitches at his words.
( Water breathing. Not for me? But Father... he's a water breather and I'm his daughter. Shouldn't I also be a water breather?)

Tanjro snapped me out of my thoughts.
Tanjiro " Maybe your body is more accustomed to a different breathing?"

" A different breathing? But Father is a water breather-"

Tanjiro stopped and help my hand as he looked into my eyes with a stern yet gental expression.

Tanjiro " Just because he is doesn't mean you are! You might be different! The good thing about this world is that there is always a difference! That's what makes everyone and everything special. At some point a wolf became a dog? And a lion a cat. You don't have to be just like the Master to be just as talented!"

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