Chapter 16: The Dark Palace

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All the other guards leapt at Pineapple, hoping to get rid of this tiny menace. But none were successful. They all ended up with the same fate as the first. On the ground, in a pile of blood, dirt, and a world full of pain.

And this was all part of the plan. Pineapple had originally wanted to call it 'The Big Showdown', but due to Bamboo's quick disagreement and smirks, they all decided to just call it 'The Plan'. Although Pineapple was disappointed, she took to the decision easily.

When all the guards were crumpled up in the dirt, Pineapple made the next signal. A flail of her arms, and Sunmaker descended from the boulder and headed into the Dark Palace. No one really knew what Sunmaker was going to do, but because they all couldn't see them anyway, no one seemed to mind. As long as Sunmaker was successful in their part of the plan, everyone was happy.

All the dark dragons stopped and stared as the light dragon emerged through the vine's entrance.

"Um... should we kill them?", one dragon suggested. All the others seemed to nod in agreement, but that. That was their biggest mistake.

Sunmaker mumbled a spell under their breath, and in seconds, a huge light wave had swept across the first and second floor (Yes, it was that powerful!), all the dark dragons meeting the same fate as the guards Pineapple had dealt with.

Next up was Coco. She thanked Sunmaker for the help, unsure of what they had done, but kept going, up the ramps to the third floor. Again, all the dark dragons turned, and ran at both Sunmaker and Coco. But Coco smirked. Deadly vines shot up from beneath the earth, smashing through the floors, and impaling all the dark dragons right through, up into the fourth floor as well. Sunmaker had created a shield for them both. Coco was intrigued by how they did it, but again, didn't question. They now waited for Goose. He was going to check the all clear for the fifth floor, and then show them to the map.

Bamboo and Nightflyer emerged from the ramps, to meet them on the fourth floor. They all stood chatting amongst themselves waiting for Goose to give them the all clear.

But he never came.

Sparks swore, Coco told him off for language, and Pineapple and Sunmaker started agreeing on about eight different reasons to impale Goose with a spear when they next saw him. Nightflyer joined in with them, out of spite, and Coco was trying to question why she ever even thought about making friends with a dark dragon mage. She swore under her breath, and turned to lay on the dark, dirty floor.

Goose had betrayed them. They all knew that the map wasn't important to Goose. It probably didn't exist. He probably just wanted to steal something off Queen Mythos.

Even though they all knew that the map didn't exist, they decided to check anyway. Out of fear. Also from Nightflyer wanting to make sure Goose was wrong.

Sparks swore for the second time today, hitting his talon on a sharp edge. The fifth floor was filled with even more inky blackness than the first four stories. Sparks and Coco led the group, stumbling through the darkness.

Nightflyer suddenly tripped over an object in the dark, but Bamboo caught her, making sure she was okay. Sunmaker quietly flew up to the roof of the fifth story. No one could know that they could have so much power, but they needed this. They blasted a hole through the ceiling, and acted like it was just the wind. Everyone was really curious about who had created the hole, but put it behind them, because now they could see.

Nightflyer noticed she had tripped over a loose floorboard. But no one was interested. Everyone was staring at the top corner of this mysterious story. It was a desk. A normal old, wooden, four legged desk. But on the top, was a map. A map... to Barlow Island. The island that Coco had been searching for her whole life. The island Nighthunter was said to be hidden there. The island that somehow had a map that was resting on a desk in the dark palace. Sparks ran up and got, and everyone crowded around, eager for the information. Coco was the most eager, her face poked just around Spark's shoulder, leaning in for the map that she had searched for, for years. She was astonished. It was right in front of her. Yet, it was hard to believe that the map just appeared out of nowhere. But no one else in the group was thinking that. While everyone was staring at the map in curiosity, Coco flew up through the hole Sunmaker had made in the roof. No one really wondered why she flew up there. They were all too immersed in the map.

The air was disgusting. But Coco breathed it in anyway, thinking of ways that the map would have suddenly appeared out of nowhere. But she was also thinking about Goose. Why did he betray them in the first place? Goose had been one of Coco's closest friends since Nighthunter died. He had given her gifts, helped her on quests, saved her life multiple times. Yet he still betrayed her. Coco stared into the polluted air surrounding Dark Island.

Suddenly, a flash of darkness whipped past her ear. A dragon. But it was too fast to see who it was. Coco's head drooped, starting to question whether anything made sense in this world. Unexpectedly, Coco noticed a piece of paper float past her ear. She reached for it, unfolded it, and read.

Dear Coco, It's Goose! I know you probably don't want to hear from me at all right now. But I need to explain. I didn't betray you, I promise. After all these years? Really? I've sunk low, but not THAT low! I headed back to the nature dragon forest, to make a home there. I have left the map to Barlow Island on the fifth floor. I hope you have/will find it. You are one of my greatest friends, and I love you.

From, Goose.

Coco smiled. She knew Goose didn't betray them. She let the letter float away into the water at the edge of Dark Island, and headed back into the Dark Palace. They had an island to find.

"Guys, I know why no one has found this island! I know why it's hidden!", Sparks exclaimed, holding up the map for all to see. "It's submerged in the ocean!"

Everyone's faces fell at Sparks' words. They had no way of getting to it now, and even if Nighthunter was on it? Well, let's just say there was not really any chance he was alive. Sunmaker sighed. They knew they had to do something with their lives. And now, they knew exactly how to do it.

"Guys.", Sunmaker said, making everyone turn their heads in their direction. "I'm guessing there's no way to find Nighthunter now. But I think I know how to get to Barlow Island..."

Everyone looked at them, eyes wide open.

"I need to tell you something...", Sunmaker sighed.

"So... let me get this straight. You are a super duper powerful light dragon, and have so much power, that you can pretty much do anything, and you used your power to not only wipe out two floors of the dark palace, but also created that hole in the roof. And you think you can use your power to make Barlow Island literally rise out of the ocean... why didn't you tell us?", Bamboo asked. Everyone was staring at Sunmaker with awe and confusion.

"...I guess I was scared. I was also told not to tell anyone? But I didn't really care about that part. I was more afraid that some dragons would be scared of me? And I'm not the greatest at using my powers yet.", Sunmaker explained. "I told Pineapple because she's not very good at keeping secrets, but she knows damn well when it's important. And she's my closest friend. And Sparks found out accidentally."

"We love you no matter what, Sunmaker!", Nightflyer smiled. "Now, come on! We've got to get off Dark Island. Sunmaker, do you think you are good enough at controlling your powers to create a wooden boat?"

Sunmaker smiled, and nodded. But Bamboo shyly smiled, and then turned away. She was hiding a secret. And she should probably tell her friends before it all turned to hell... 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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