~Best Opening Line Results~

43 7 5

A big thanks to all our participants and our judge jeon_kookiiieee

To all the participants, don't get disheartened even if you don't win. Keep writing ✍️.

Participants please give your sincere thanks to our judge.

Now, the result.

Honorable Mentions

"The golden chance" by IndigoWhisper

To be honest, the first line was a bit weird for me, talking about a naked butt or idk what. This can seem a bit uncomfortable to many readers.

"Robin's Song" by Magic_Dew

It was pretty normal .It didn't have some deep meaning. It was a decent start.

"The Eyes Of Power" by TheWordArtistBooks

It was very unclear, it was beautifully written, but it had no such deeper meaning.

3rd Place

"Dare" by KOUKZZZ

It was cute, yet mysterious. If you try reading it yourself, you can already start trying to imagine what will happen.

2nd place

"Vines Of Hunger" by alana_kate

No words! The opening line was amazing.

1st Place

"Forever in the sweetest con" by Rosecherry2602

I really liked the way she was talking about the type of souls, it hits hard.

Congratulations to everyone! Prizes will be distributed in 3 days.

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