A trip on a train

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"You guys didn't see him on the railway?" Kiera asks with confusion. "He was stuck on the train tracks! He couldn't get off with his hurt leg, he would've got killed!" She yells, still in a slight bit of shock from what happened, along with some pain.

"No, we didn't see him! How the hell did you even survive that?!" Veo questions with concern.

"I rolled on the tracks! I grabbed him and rolled off with him before hopping off!" She says, looking at the hurt dog and the small cuts and bruises that now cover her body. She sighs, heading over and petting the whining and whimpering creature, feeling bad for the poor thing, even if she's a cat.

She pulls out her first aid kit, tending to the dog's hurt and bloody leg to make sure it heals properly. Once she finishes, she tends to her own cuts. She ensures that everything is taken care of before putting it away.

The dog licks her hand, as if trying to thank her for saving his life. Blibzy, Creamsicle, and Angel all growl at the German Shepard, clearly not trusting the poor dog.

Kiera holds up a hand to silence them as she gently pets the dog, feeling bad for the injured creature. She typically isn't a fan of dogs, but she seems to really like this one, for whatever reason.

The dog lets out another soft whine, looking up at Kiera as if begging for her to get rid of the pain. She lets out a soft sigh, gently stroking behind the German Shepards pointy ears. Bolt's eyes sparkle and water a bit, finding it heart-warming to see Kiera having a bit of a soft spot for the dog.

The dog lets out another soft whine, looking up at Kiera as if begging for her to get rid of his pain, she lets out a soft sigh, gently stroking behind the German Shepards pointy ears. Bolt's eyes sparkle and water a bit, finding it heartwarming to see Kiera having a bit of a soft spot for the dog. She stays silent for a moment, before speaking in a quiet voice, "I think I'm gonna name him Trooper," she says as Trooper's ears perk up, seeming to like the name. Kiera smiles at that, letting her fingers run through Trooper's fur gently.

"I think I'll keep him," she says with a smile, her eyes glued to Trooper, "I'm not a fan of dogs, but...He's different."

Bolt smiles at seeing how happy she is. Her smile even makes Veo smile, a genuine smile. The three kittens begin to calm down, slowly easing and becoming less tense.

Veo smirks, "Looks like someone's got a soft side!"

Kiera shoots him a glare, not pleased with his comment. Her face softens when she looks back at Trooper, her gaze now as calm as a small summer breeze, "Bolt, and idea where this train leads?" Kiera asks, as Bolt pulls out his map, looking at where the train tracks are headed.

"Looks like it's headed to exactly where we need to be!" He says with joy, everyone seeming happy to catch a ride, rather than continuing their long walk.

"Guess we can rest for a bit then," Veo says with a smile, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back, closing his eyes.

Kiera looks over towards him, realizing that Veo's wound is still open. She sighs, "That's gonna bother me..." she says quietly, walking over to Veo and pulling her first aid kit back out.

Veo opens one eye, looking at Kiera with a smirk, "Y'know, you don't have to waste your supplies on me," he chuckles, "it won't kill me."

Kiera opens the first aid kit, pulling out some supplies, "Doesn't mean you're not in pain," she says, causing Veo's smirk to immediately drop and turn into a look of surprise.

His eyes water a bit, though it's clear he's trying to hide it. It's not from pin, but more so happiness, seeing how much she cares for him. His heart flutters as he looks down, trying to avoid her gaze. He wipes his eyes with the back of his gloved hand, trying not to make it too obvious. Kiera still catches it though, and she smiles slightly before returning her focus to the task at hand.

A devilish smirk forms on Kiera's face as she finishes dressing his wound. She leans up, pressing a gentle kiss to Veo's cheek before moving away and resting against the opposite side of the train cart. A blush immediately forms on his face, his normally black fur now turning into a deep shade of red.

Bolt's eyes grow wide before narrowing, gritting his teeth. The second Veo sees this, his blush disappears and a smirk takes its place, sticking his tongue out at Bolt to taunt him. Bolt growls, before coming up with an idea. He pulls out his map and rushes over to Kiera, sitting down beside her.

"Hey Kiera! Thought I'd come show you where we'll be headed, I think it may interest you," Bolt explains, pointing to things on the map once he catches her attention.

Bolt rambles on about the adventure that awaits them ahead, along with explaining some of Azitras' abilities, as Veo pouts at the sight.

From a dark corner of the train cart, glowing purple eyes watch the gangs interactions, studying their every moves. Pipit seems to notice, looking over as her screen brightens in attempts to reveal the mysterious creature. Before she can see anything though, the thing disappears...

"Alright, I'm getting tired of this. Find someone else to piss off, you stupid Siamese!" Veo shouts at Bolt.

"Then find some other group to annoy, you blood sucking freak!" Bolt shouts back.

"At least I'm not some fricken' poptart who thinks the world is all," Veo makes his voice higher pitched and shakes his hands as he says, "cupcakes and rainbows!" He growls.

Bolt crosses his arms, "At least I'm not some dead and forgotten vampire..." he mumbles.

Veo's eyes go wide with rage, as he speaks in a cold and threatening tone, "The fuck did you just say to me?"

"A. Cold. And. For. Gott. En. Vam. Pi. Re! He shouts, emphasizing every syllable.

"Take. That. Back." Veo says slowly and menacingly.

"I. Will. Not. Dismiss. The truth," Bolt claims with a huff.

Veo lets out a loud growl as he lunges towards Bolt, tackling him to the ground! The two role around on the floor, Veo landing punches directly to Bolt's face! Bolt grunts, kicking and biting in attempts to fight back against Veo. As the two fight on the floor, Blibzy, Creamsicle, and Angel all move out of the way, Trooper beginning to bark.

Kiera sighs, grabbing the two of them by the scruffs of their necks and pulling them apart, "Enough!"

The two immediately fall silent, glaring at each other but stopping the second they see Kiera glaring at them as well. Lily begins to cry, having been woken up by the twos fight. Pipit begins to rock her, feeding her a bottle and overall just being a caretaker to the baby.

"Look, I don't know what the hell you two are fighting about, but there's no need for this. Knock it off," Kiera says firmly, causing the two to quit, both looking down like puppies who just got scolded.

The rest of the trip is fairly silent, with every time Bolt and Veo bicker ending with Kiera glaring at them, causing them to stop. The sun begins to set, the day coming to an end. The stars come out, the gang watching them from the cart of the train.

Kiera sighs, pulling out a blanket from her backpack and lying down. Suddenly, she feels a pair of cold arms wrapping around her, as she looks over to see Pipit, her screen off as she snuggles up to Kiera. She feels fur touching her side and something resting on her stomach, turning back over to see Trooper. The three kittens are all snuggled up with Lily in her crib, keeping her warm.

Kiera turns to see Veo and Bolt, both avoiding eye contact but clearly wanting to join the cuddle puddle. Kiera sighs before giving them a signal to join her, both of their ears perking up as they rush over.

Bolt snuggles up to Kiera on one side while Veo snuggles up to her other side, both shooting each other a glare before burying their heads into Kiera's shoulders.

Slowly, they all drift off, leaving Kiera awake and alone with her thoughts. She stares up at the roof of the train cart for a moment, just thinking to herself. A few tears form in her eyes as she slowly closes them, trying to drift off for the night...

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