Mushroom mayhem

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The train comes to a halt, the sudden change in movement causing all of the cats to wake up. Morning light fills the cart of the train, the lovely songs the birds sing filling the groups ears with their lovely tunes.

Kiera rubs her eyes, being the first to sit up and fully wake, followed by Veo, and shortly after the others. Looking over out of the train, they see that they have finally reached the mushroom lands. Many anthropomorphic animals much like themselves walk around with white and light coloured outfits with mushroom decors. Giant mushrooms make their houses, being big enough to make a whole town.

Bolt carefully gets out of the train, heading towards the mushroom town. The others follow, Pipit slowly stepping out with Lily's basket (still containing all of the kittens) and the others just jumping out, Veo putting on and adjusting his sunhat. Trooper follows closely to Kiera, seeming to have grown quite fond of him.

Bolt reaches the mushroom citizens, all looking at him with surprise and joy. One girl, seemingly an anthropomorphic fox, approaches the group as they all join Bolt. Her fur is green with some brown, which seems to be what a lot of the folks colour scheme is. She has the top of a mushroom on her head like a hat, dressed with some beads on strings around it. She wears a white romper and some faintly purple gloves and shoes, with some small circular black glasses resting on her nose.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you! We don't get much outsiders around here! You must be adventurers!" She exclaims in a cheery and positive bubbly voice, looking at the group with such joy.

"That's right! We're on a mission, and we've been gathering the Mighty Six, or as I like to call the Rainbow Cats," Bolt says joyfully, "and I believe the green one should be here!"

"Oh! The Great Green! Yes, she's here! Also, the Rainbow Cats sounds so much less intimidating! I love it!" She says.

"Oh god this is gonna be a long day..." Kiera sighs.

"You're telling me," Veo says with a groan.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I haven't even introduced myself! I'm Vivian! And you are?" She motions to the whole group.





Trooper barks, as if using that as a way to introduce himself.

"It's nice to meet you all! Welcome!"

"Alright, let's cut this short. We need to find that green furred kitten." Veo says seriously.

"We don't have much time, so if you could lead us to her as fast as possible, that would be appreciated." Kiera explains bluntly.

"Oh, well...we don't exactly know where she stays. She comes and goes as she pleases. Plus, we can't really let you take her. She's what keeps all of our nature alive!" Vivian explains.

"Look, it's either that, or the whole world ends, your nature included." Kiera says, her eyes narrowing.

"No need for the tone, we can discuss this later. For now, let me show you around! I never get to tour anyone!" Vivian says, grabbing Bolt's arm and dragging him further into the town.

"This is the grocery store, this is the pet shop, this is Layla's house, this is the town fountain," Vivian rambles on, pointing to every mushroom building. Everyone in the town seems to know each other, everyone talking to everyone. The town seems to social and alive. "Here's our statue of the great green! She's what keeps this place alive!" She says, pointing to a big stone statue of the cat.

While Vivian chats her mouth off, Kiera looks around for any sign of where the next cat could be. With everything around being the exact same, it's hard to differentiate anything. She can't even just try to spot out a green lump of fur, as everything here is green just like the kitten. Kiera groans, already getting frustrated with this place.

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