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Knowing he'd be leaving soon, Niall felt it best to distance himself from the ever-budding 'situationship' between him and Zailey, after all, she was truly his remission rebound while he couldn't have Zayn.

Since having Zayn, he felt the energy shift between the two, the once spark had fizzled and now turned to gloom as reality set in. Niall was leaving, and Zailey would remain.

The tow-headed boy found it best to keep himself busy during the final days of his stay but studying, he knew it could only serve him to pass his test as it dwindled Harry's right to sign his rights away from him completely. Not that Niall feared the man would do that, he believed Zayn would step in before it got to that point - but he wanted the option to be cleared from the table.

Niall knew he would feel safer that way.

Besides the hospital had lots of textbooks Niall had never seen before, he thought reading some would give a new perspective and possibly a leg up for the test. 

Keeping his head in a book, he's startled when a hand appears on the pages keeping his oceanic eyes from reading, glancing up he smiles lightly at the girl, "Zee," he hums, the anchor in his stomach twisting as the word tumbles from his lips the way it did six months ago when he crawled into bed with Zayn Malik.

"What're you doing?"

"Studying, I-I have a test coming up, 'y-ya know the big one," he remarks adjusting the book so he could read once more, Zailey rolls her eyes sitting on the sofa next to him in the entertainment room, "You know there's a perfectly good submissive right here, full of knowledge," she muses, Niall sighs shaking his head, "What I know is there is a submissive next to me that last night swore she'd never submit," he reminds, "So I'd rather get my information from a less bitter and begrudged source," 

Taking the words harder than Niall's bitchness had intended, Zailey scoffs, "Coming from the skip that can't get it through his head his owner doesn't love him in that way, I'd say the only bitter and begrudged one is you," she retorts rising from the sofa, "So next time Niall you need a shoulder to cry on go find another-"

"I'll have to because I'm leaving here and we both know you aren't." Niall felt himself gasp at his last remark, it was cold, to know it was true was one thing, to throw the cruel fact in Zailey's face, a person who had been kind to him, was another.

Zailey's face crumples hearing the words slung at her, she drops her eyes with a nod, "Y-you're right, I-I might never get out of here," taking a step back she raises her head staring at him, "But at least the dominant I fucked didn't lie to me-"

"You said you didn't know he was married!" Niall exclaims standing from the sofa as well, "I lied! I'm a bad submissive Niall, I lie, I cheat, I fuck whoever-" Zailey is continuing to ramble on listing the awful things she'd done when Niall's eyes return to the pages in front of him, he's on a chapter of submissive chemistry, the hormones that determine your rank alone in some cases, and can just affect the score of the test in others, he holds his hand up meeting Zailey's glare, "A-are you-you a submissive?"

The girl scoffs, "What?"

"I-I mean, Z-Zailey ar-are you even a submissive? Yo-you l-lie and-and you do bad things, t-that's not a true submissive," Niall explains, "It-it would go against you-your nature, it would be revolting to-to do those things, but-but you said them proudly," the girl frowns taking a seat once more, she rubs her arms in thought reflecting on the actions she'd described, how good it made her feel to have done those things, "I-I mean I guess that's why I'm here, isn't it? I-I'm a bad submissive," she admits with tears spilling over onto her cheeks, she sniffles meeting his eyes, "I don't know what I am, b-but supposedly society does," 

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