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Chapter 18

[April 16th 1921]

Lucifer kisses Allen goodbye, waving at him as the brunette catches the ride he usually takes to go to the radio station. "Well, it's just you, me and grandma again Ducky." He says to the two month old baby, looking back at him with wide dark brown eyes, the same eyes as his other parent as he stuffs his fist into his mouth.

"Yeah, I know your Dad doesn't like that nickname but I think it suits you best. You're definitely the cutest wittle duckling I've ever seen~" the blonde says as he nuzzles his baby's nose with his own as he carries him back into the house.

As he entered the kitchen, he sees Elleanor catching herself with a hand on the counter while her other hand held her head with a pain filled look on her face. "Mother! What's wrong? Are you having another headache?" He asks as he puts Charles down into his cradle with his toys before helping her into the living room to lay her in her couch.

He puts a hand on her forehead, concern written on his face. He noticed that she was making her soup in the kitchen, which she has been cooking more often these past few weeks because of her constant fevers and headaches.

After realizing that his blood became too obvious in a glass of water, he decided to stop using water as a way to heal her. Since he needed to use more of his angelic blood to keep the flu at bay he, instead, had added it into her soup since it's barely noticeable.

"L-luc- I'm fine, i-it's just a small h-headache is all." She coughs weakly as she tries to sit up.

Not believing her words, he gently urges her to lay back down, "Hold on mother, some soup would fix you right up." He says as he walks back into the kitchen.

He takes a bowl and pours some soup in it before he moves his sleeve up, noticing all the scars that has been accumulating on his wrist. Ever since he continues to give her his blood in the duration of his pregnancy, he realized that his body wouldn't heal his wound like it normally would because he was pregnant.

Despite knowing the consequences of his wounds becoming permanent scars on his wrist, he continues to give her his blood anyways. Not wanting her to die at such a young age, after all that she's been through.... He wants her to at least experience what being a grandmother would feel like and the joys that come with it before she passes.

After spending eons in hell, seeing most of the religious sinners come down and still think they deserve to be sent to heaven. it's good to see that Elleanor is not going to be one of those sinners, he hopes that.... Even if he will never get to see her when she passes, that she will be able to enter heaven and have her soul rest in peace.

He takes a knife and cuts his wrist swiftly, letting the blood drip into her soup without any hesitation.

"Luc? W-what are you doing?!" Focusing his attention on adjusting the amount of angelic blood he drips in her soup, he failed to notice Elleanor entering the kitchen.

The blonde whips his head to her, not expecting her to still be able to follow him back to the kitchen after seeing her barely try to sit up from the couch.

She stares at him wide eyed as she sees the golden liquid dripping into her bowl of soup. Suddenly she clutches her head again before groaning, gripping onto the door frame as she slowly kneels on the floor.

"Mother?!" Lucifer calls out in concern as he rushes to her, helping her up before sitting her down onto a chair.

She pants then coughs weakly before she opens her eyes again, looking at Lucifer's wrist in horror as the golden blood continues to drip from the wound. "L-luc-?! W-what is that?! Oh god-" she puts her hand on her mouth as the blonde tries to hide his wound by pulling his arm into his chest.

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