Crocosmia, Razzle

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Chapter 24

[A/N sorry for the  late update! A bit of a busy week for me but here's Chapter 24!]

[December 24th 1929]

"Ugh, why is it that someone who's as fat as a blubber like this one, could still have the ability to move enough to beat his wife to death?" Allen huffs as he shuffles to sit down on the wall beside the corpse of his new victim.

As he lays his head on the wall to rest for a moment he takes the Asmodean crystal that he had taken from Dan a few years ago, out of his pocket. He opens a portal right below the corpse, sending it directly to Rosie's freezer at her emporium.

He stands up and stretches his back, before yawning as he sluggishly makes his way to the bathroom of his victim's house. Not bothering to clean up the mess he made in the living room, he quickly cleans the blood off of himself before putting his winter coat on to hide the rest of the stained blood on his outfit as he walks out of the house.

He hums a tune as he nonchalantly walks by the several shops that are still open this late at night. he looks through the shop windows, trying to find a bouquet of flowers for his beloved angel. He needn't worry about presents, having already made a Christmas present for his partner and children like he usually does every year.

Finally finding a flower shop, he walks right in and was greeted by an old lady wearing an apron. "Merry Christmas young man, What can I get for you this evening?" She asks, closing the book she was reading as she moves around the counter to help her costumer.

"Merry Christmas to you too Madame! I was looking to buy some flowers for my wife." He starts, since he would buy his beloved flowers when he comes home on occasions like Christmas. Though, he hasn't bought flowers here before, he usually goes for the shop near their home rather than stop to buy some Elsewhere.

"Oh~ it's for the missus is it? Well, what type of flowers does she like?" She waits for him to answer but he only tilts his head at her for a moment. "Roses..." She giggles at him as she takes a newspaper page, placing it on the counter in front of her.

"Typical, it's always the roses or tulips getting picked to give to a partner. Say, did she tell you that she wanted roses?" The old lady asked curiously, watching the brunette frown in thought as he tries to remember when Lucifer had told him that he liked Roses or any other flower.

"Well... She hasn't really told me about her preferences in flowers, but she always does accept the roses every time I give it to her." The old woman tsked at the answer before turning around to grab a book and opening it in front of Allen. "Here young man, go ahead and see if there's a flower in there that your wife may take interest in other than 'roses'." She huffs muttering under her breath as she went to arrange some of her flower displays.

The brunette rolls his eyes at her, not really understanding why this old woman would waste both their time letting him see other types of flowers in a book rather than just give him the roses and be done with it. But, despite his thoughts, he complied and quickly took interest in the book of flowers as he reads through their meanings and symbolisms as well.

Just as he was flipping the page the word 'Lucifer' caught his eye. "This one." He's sure that this flower would definitely suit his beloved, already having a feeling that the blonde would love this flower especially because of its symbolism and name.

The woman walks over to him, looking to check the flower he has pointed at. Her eyes widened before she blinks a few times to make sure she's seeing it right. "Oh my, are you sure you want THAT specific flower to give to your wife dear?" He nods immediately, "I'm quite sure that my partner would want it, is it available or not?" He asks impatiently as he watches her fidget for a moment, glancing in the direction where he assumes she might be keeping them.

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