Mother, Dan

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Chapter 19

Elleanor sighs as she takes her medication. Her headache has been throbbing ever since she made that favor with Luc to stop healing her two days ago. She does admit that the blonde's angelic healing blood was what made her feel so much better than the medication she's currently taking. Sometimes she just wishes that medicine could have the exact same effect as Luc's blood.

Though she couldn't complain too much about her medication since it does make her headache lessen even just a little bit. The brunette woman starts to hum with the jazz music playing on the radio, trying to keep her mind off her headache as she continues to cook their dinner.

Just as she lowers the heat on the stove, Lucifer walks in, sighing as he cleans off the bit of milk vomit on his shoulder. "Oh dear, did Charles puke on you again?" The brunette woman asks, receiving a tired groan In response as the blonde smacks his head on the dining table.

He pulls his head back up with a worried look on his face. "I just don't know what's wrong with him, he keeps on puking milk on me every time I make him burp... A-am I doing something wrong?" He asks as he looks at Elleanor for advice.

"Well, it's actually normal for babies to puke milk sometimes when they burp, Allen was like that too when he was a baby. Try not to think too much if he burps out a bit of milk, it's more concerning if he makes choking noises if I'm being honest." She explains as she sits on the chair next to the blonde.

"Did you put him to sleep? Allen's gonna be coming home soon so I hope he won't be 'accidentally' waking his son up again." Elleanor says as she huffs at the reminder that her son would always kiss her grandson when he comes home and would wake him up in the process.

"I did, though I think that he just wants to spend more time with Charles, whenever he's home the baby's usually asleep so I think that he's just trying to bond with him as much as he possibly could." Hearing the blonde say that, Elleanor can't help but understand why her son wants to bond with Charles so much. After all, his father John never bothered to spend some time with him. Whenever she goes out to buy groceries, she would find whip marks on Allen's back when she comes back home.

Despite knowing the consequences he would still always talk back to John regardless of her telling him not to do so, even if he knew that he was going to get beaten or whipped by the larger man. So she's not too surprised that he would want to bond with his son since his father never had.

"Hm, that's exactly right... You know, I'm glad that you both decided to use 'mom' and 'dad' for Charles to call the two of you when he grows up. John made Allen call me 'mother' and him 'father' since he wanted to show his drinking pals that he's 'trained his son well'. If I'm being honest... it never sits right with me whenever he  calls me 'mother'. I've always wanted him to call me 'mom' or 'ma' but.... I didn't want to force him like what John did to him while growing up. I want him to call me that on his own so it would be nice if this could be our little secret." She said with a finger to her lips, sending the blonde a silly wink making Luc laugh with a hand on his mouth as he nods at her.

"Oh by the way, have you taken your medicine yet?" He asks her, having noticed her hand constantly moving to her forehead. "Yes... I did drink some earlier but it seems that it can only make the headaches a bit bearable." She explains as she smiles at Luc reassuringly.

Just then they both heard the front door open, "I'm home! Mother? Angel?" Allen steps in, closing the door behind him as he puts away the house keys. Keekee walks up to him and starts to rub her fur on his black pants. "Keekee... How many times do I have to tell you to not rub your fur on me? Haa... Cat Fur's going to stick to my pants again..." He shakes his head in exasperation before he peeks into the living room, seeing his son asleep in his cradle he slowly walks up to it.

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