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Jiah: She has been selected.

Shadow: Wow, I never imagined your spy would be that capable. Did Bangtan doubt her?

Lisa: Not at all.

Shadow: How did she introduce herself?

Jisoo: She told them her name is Natalia.

Shadow: Nice. Did we get any news?

Jennie: No, she mostly informed us that they are in their rooms or office.

Shadow: Hmm, well, tell her to be careful. I'm taking my leave. Goodbye.


Day: Friday

Venomous Ladies Mansion

Jisoo: Why do you come here every day?

Shadow: Of course, to get informed by you! Has something happened?

Lisa: Well, it's not necessarily useful for you, but it concerns us.

Shadow: Still, I want to hear everything.

Jiah: But—

Shadow: I'm not going anywhere!

Jennie: Okay.

Jennie puts her mobile on the table and plays a recording.

(From now on, we will refer to Rosé as Natalia, okay?)


Bangtan's Mansion

Jungkook: When are we going to attack those individuals?

Jin: Show some respect!

Suga: Don't you remember Jiah called you a dickhead?

Jin: Oh yeah, it's alright; you can call them whatever you want.

Jungkook: Jimin, didn't you come up with any plans?

Jimin: Is that my responsibility? *Narrowing his eyes*

Jungkook: Ugh, Taehyung, did you?

Taehyung: Yes, I did. We will attack their Busan mansion.

Jungkook: Did Jimin agree?

Jimin: Why the Busan mansion, Taehyung?

Taehyung: Most of their territory is there, and it will be easier for us to attack as they may not be prepared. If we attack them here, they will be ready, you know.

RM: So when are we attacking?

Taehyung: Maybe on Monday.

Jin: What day is it today?

J-Hope: Thursday.

RM: Why Monday, Taehyung?

Taehyung: All of the members must be busy on Monday.

J-Hope: And why do you think so?

Taehyung: I just assumed. Now, let me eat.

*Jennie stops the recording*

Shadow: So, did you formulate any plans?

Jisoo: What plan? *Laughs* We will all be prepared to confront each of them.

Shadow: Well, thanks to me for suggesting you spy on them, or who knows what would have happened.

Jiah: Yeah, yeah. *Rolls her eyes*

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