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Venomous Ladies' Busan Mansion

Jisoo: I wonder when they're going to attack.

Lisa: Maybe at nighttime.

Jennie: Well, it's already 8 PM.

Lisa: I meant midnight.

Jisoo: We don't need to worry; our guards are already prepared for any attack.

Jennie: I don't know why, but I feel like we should have left more guards in Seoul. I'm kinda worried about Jiah.

Jisoo: Why are you worried? She is safe, and it's not like we have all the guards here; we left almost a thousand guards there.

Lisa: I'm already so sleepy.

Jennie: We can't sleep, you know, right?

Jisoo: We couldn't even go to the club to check on that girl.

Lisa: I almost forgot about her. What was her name?

Jennie: Mina.

Jisoo: Ugh, why do we have so many enemies?

Lisa: Maybe because we are women.

Jiah's POV:
I was resting in my room when I heard a gunshot. I ran out of my room and saw... BANGTAN. My eyes widened. Then I saw a guy who pointed towards me.

Jungkook: Jiah is there.

I ran into my room and locked it. I was already not feeling well because I have a fever and I'm feeling weak too, and now this!

Jiah: Fuck! I gotta do something!

I ran towards my mobile and called Jennie.

She picked up.

Jiah: Hello, Jen-

My mobile died.

Jiah: Ughhhhh, what the fuck!!!

In Busan Mansion:

Jisoo: Who was it?

Jennie: Jiah.

Lisa: Is she alright?

Jennie: She just said hello, and the call ended.

Lisa: Why?

Jennie: Don't know. I'm trying to call her back.

Jiah: Where's my charger?

I start searching for my charger in the whole room, but the door bursts open. I turn around and see...

Jiah: Shadow! Thank God you're here.

Shadow: Why are you happy to see me?

Jiah: Bangtan attacked here, didn't you see them downstairs? *Panting heavily*

Shadow: Yes, I did. Even I came with them.

Jiah: What do you mean?

Shadow: *Maniacally laughs*


Shadow: Why did you call me?

Jimin: My friend, how are you?

Shadow: Friend?

Jimin: Oh, Shadow, forget everything.

Shadow: It's impossible.

Jimin: What if I make you the leader of the Kard group?

Shadow: The mafia group of China?

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