The walk

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Atsushi pov:

Babysitting Daiki wasn't that hard (me: Oh, really ? 🤨). He was only naughty when I looked at Akutagawa for too long or sat too close to him or we talked for more than half a minute or had a nice quiet moment. So the only thing to arrange for him to be nice was to avoid all this here, which can't be difficult at all.

How wrong I was. I didn't even realize how long I'd been looking at Akutagawa until now. Like you can't blame me just look at him.  That porcelain looking skin, That soft looking hair - wait, are they as soft as they look? I wish I could touch them somed-

and of course Daiki had to screw it up again.

We were just in the living room watching TV (after long minutes of arguing with Akutagawa we chose a series) and of course Daiki had to sit between us) Just when I was admiring Akutagawa, Daiki had to drop his stuffed animal on the ground and he looked at me with that look that said 'Come on. Pick him up.'.

I shot him an angry look before picking up the stuffed animal and handing it back to him. Then I just looked back at the TV and that's when it hit me.

' Why does it bother me so much? Why does it bother me that I can't watch Akutagawa anymore? Why does it bother me that Daiki is sitting between me and Akutagawa? This is no date and Daiki is no third wheel. We're just here to watch over him. So why the HELL does it bother me SO MUCH ???!!! Why do I want to hold him so badly in my arms and stroke his hair and - DAMN !!! What am I supposed to do now?! Maybe I should ask him out on a date. Or try one of Dazai-san's techniques. Wait- Would he even want me? Well when Dazai was able to get Chuuya -' my train of thought was interrupted by a hand on my shoulder.

"Jinko! I called you about five times. Are you OK?" Akutagawa asked me with a caring look in his eyes.

My heart skipped a beat. ' Yes, I definitely have at least a small chance.' I thought and then replied "Yeah I'm fine I just thought about something."

" What were you thinking?” Akutagawa said.

"I was thinking about how cute you are" I said watching as he blushed more and more.

"Idiot" Akutagawa said quietly so Daiki wouldn't hear him but I could hear it thanks to the tiger's hearing.

Akutagawa then looked back at the TV and tried to stop his blushing.

' I definitely have a chance.' I thought to myself.

Akutagawa pov:

' Damn I'm such an idiot. Why did I even ask him that? It's not my concern what he thinks or cares about. So why do I feel like I want to know? I should ask Higuchi, she knows more about feelings than i do. I just hope it's not what I think it is. ' I thought and  rather went back to watching the series.

After watching an episode of a more interesting series, I told Jinko to get ready for a walk while I took Daiki and helped him get dressed for going out.

Even though Daiki was already 2 years old and he can walk, he prefers to be carried and since I don't want to carry him all that time, I will have to take a stroller. But then it dawned on me. ' Should I be a bitch and let Jinko carry him all the time or not? ' I thought and finally decided against it. After I prepared Daiki I started to prepare myself and at that moment Jinko came there.

"Sorry if it took me long. I couldn't find my sweatshirt." He said and quickly started putting on his shoes.

"Doesn't surprise me." I said and quickly grabbed my iconic long black jacket that you would hardly see me out without.

"You can't take that." Jinko said looking at me while Daiki just stood next to him looking at me.

"Since when do you decide what I wear?” I asked rather annoyed.

"You work in this every time and - uh, you end different people's lives. Someone might recognize you like this." Jinko said making me just grit my teeth because he was right. I let out a weak "Tch" before taking off my jacket, kicking off my shoes and quickly going to get something

I quickly put on my favorite white oversized sweatshirt (second favorite because of my black long jacket) and I hurried back so that we could set out as quickly as possible.

Atsushi pov:

Akutagawa then quickly walked back, probably to find some sort of jacket or sweatshirt, considering it was autumn and cold outside.  ' I wouldn't be surprised if he had nothing but his black jacket. Well, if not, I wouldn't mind lending him one of mine. He would look so cute in it. Maybe if we are ever really together, maybe he would wear my clothes and let me cuddle with him and- ' My train of thought was interrupted by fast approaching footsteps.

When I turned around I saw Akutagawa in a white baggy sweatshirt that made him look much cuter than normal and I don't know if my heart could handle so much cuteness .

"Jinko stop staring like a deer in the headlights and get Daiki in the stroller so I can put on my shoes. The stroller is ready outside." Akutagawa said and I silently cursed myself for being caught in the act and took Daiki's hand and obeyed Akutagawa, not only because he knew Daiki would do something again, but also because Akutagawa would probably hit him for real this time.

I slowly put Daiki in the stroller and waited for Akutagawa to come out, which didn't take long. After Akutagawa went outside, we went for a walk. There was no awkward silence or tension, just a comfortable silence.

I was carrying stroller with Daiki, Daiki was happily looking at the world around me, while Akutagawa was walking on my left. When we arrived at the playground, Akutagawa slowly took Daiki out of the stroller and let him play and talk with others. 

Akutagawa and I sat on the bench next to each other and watched Daiki play and get to know each other. No arguments. No insults, innuendos. Just a comfortable silence.

After a while, a lady came up to us and smiled at us.

"Ah Akutagawa-kun, if I didn't know you I would say that the three of you are one happy family. " She said and making us both blush and sat next to Akutagawa.

“Uh sorry but who are you." I asked after I managed to lighten my blush.

"Oh sorry, my name is Smith Veronika, I have two little angels here. I know Akutagawa because he hangs out here quite often with Sho or Daiki. Are you Akutagawa's boyfriend? I already thought that he would never find anyone. He is actually very nice, but for some reason he doesn't show his nice side to anyone. " she said, smiling even more at Atsushi.

“I'm Atsushi Nakajima. I'm not Akutagawa's boyfriend yet, but - "and as usual I was interrupted by a hard blow to the head and a Rashomon on my neck.

"He's just kidding. Dazai-san and Chuuya-san have an anniversary and they went to France for a while. So they asked me and this idiot here to babysit Daiki in the meantime.  Now I feel like I'm babysitting two kids.” Akutagawa said flushed, ignoring the fact that I still had Rashomon dangerously close to my neck.

"That's exactly what Chuuya tells me every time, but in the end he always says he loves him. Take it positively, at least your friend doesn't have to be saved from the river every time you have a little fight." She said looking at hers two 'angels'.

"Yeah maybe…" Akutagawa said quietly as he also watched Daiki play with the others.

~Next Time~

PLEASE HELP ME WITH CHARACTER NAMES !!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺 THE NAMES I COME UP ARE AWFUL AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO NAME SOMEONE!!! Sorry again for the delay. I hate school 🥲. Otherwise, I hope you liked the chapter and goodbye.😘

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