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I am Tempest, a 15 year old female dictator of the world. I make people love me and I make people fear me. All armies, navies, and other military forces are controlled by me. food supply also controlled by me. Limits on anything are controlled by me. Everything is controller by me. I know you're thinking Oh wow, what a narcissistic bitch. But no I am not. I treat my people well, I am not like Caesar or that crazy guy from North Korea. I am gentle to my people otherwise they would have thrown me out. 

I bet you're wondering how I got here? Well let me explain. I entered this contest to win 50 million dollars. It was a combination of agility, wits, survival skills, and hard work. I came out on top of people ranging in ages and from cross the globe. When I got my money I went to law school and schooling in criminal justice. I then became a worldwide unknown serial killer. No one could trace anything to me. I killed mostly people of high ranks and when none were left people were scared. 

They needed a leader. Terrified as they were they let a 15 year old girl step on to the plate. I then gathered my trustworthy friends and assigned them positions across the globe. Every state, country, or group on peoples needed a person closer to them to look up too. That's where I went right. Other dictators didn't have that therefore they were easily gotten rid of. I then proceeded to have private executions of anyone who has ever done me wrong. Backstabbing friends, evil family members, enemies all of them. 

I liked the crying and begging they did. Begging for their lives, asking to do anything for keep breathing. I spared a few to be slaves, but the people I hated the most lived but wished they were dead. Torture is the key to cooperation. I'd rather be feared than loved. The people of the world never know about the executions, neither did the families. Keeping a clean slate with the people is a necessity. 

 This is how I got to where I am. I plan on keeping my position and then passing it down a my child or my highly qualified friend Shawn. He is also an executioner and my best friend. My boyfriend is Kalon. He is awesome and supports me. Of course he doesn't like the killing and gives me advice. He is the reason few lived, but most of all he supports me. All my life that's all I wanted. Support. Love. I never got that from my family... The past is behind me now and my future is so bright I wear shades. I am awesome and always will be and if think otherwise take it up with Shawn...

What I thought

Breath with DeathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz