The Only Ones

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I wish I could find someone to love me, someone that's there for me, someone to rescue me. 

I hope for the one to swoop me off my feet.

I hope for the love I give out to be returned.

I hope to be a priority.

But, the only one for me are my pills and my bottle. 

The only ones who stick by my side. 

The only ones to maintain my pride.

The only ones to hide the pain I feel inside.

The only ones to protect and hide me from the ones outside.

The only ones to hide my fears and catch my tears.

They love me and I love them. 

What this love does for me is something nobody else's can.

To the end we shall go.

To the Land of no return. 

Dive off the cliff of death and end this horrid monster that we call life. 

My bottle is my rescuer, my pills the paradise. 

All I'll ever need, I found there.

They are what give me life on the other side. 

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