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The silence in my head drives me insane, more than what I already am. 

Listening to the Nothingness that are my thoughts. 

The emptiness is eating me alive from the inside out.

 I feel it in the pit of my soul, in the darkest abysses in my heart. 

My heart is pumping black tar-like substance through my body, not blood. 

The thick, sticky, ugly substance slow moving through my veins slowly killing me. 

Filling me and weighing me down. I feel it in my head, eye sockets, ears, nose, and mouth. 

The taste of disgrace at its purest on my taste buds. 

Clogging them with the horrific acid. 

Bubbling inside me and choking me to death. 

No air in.

 None out. 

Choke once. 





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