it's time

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People laughing and smiling, happy families taking pictures together and a lot of happy tears.

It's the graduation day. The day their plan is supposed to start.

For the past few weeks the boys have been slowly sneaking away clothes and other valuable things away to their spot. They decided to stay there for one day to say goodbye to the owners.

Tomorrow they'll no longer be in this city.

Jisung was standing with his parents and his older brother taking probably their last photo together... for now.

Honestly? Jisung hopes to come back one day. Not soon or right away but one day.

"Jisung we should take a photo with the Lee's too so we can show out partnership." the boys father spoke calmly to which he nodded.

"Beom-seok!!" his father yelled to get his friends attention.

"Ahh Dohyun! It's so nice to see you! And look at our sons, all grown up and ready to take over our businesses." the man smiled.

"Haha I hope they'll do as good as we do! How about we take some pictures together?"

Soon the two families were standing next to each other with their sons in the middle, smiling awkwardly.

"How about we all go to a restaurant tomorrow? To celebrate and talk?" Minho's mom suggested to which Jisung's parents agreed.

Hah ironic. They won't be here tomorrow.

"Um father?" Jisung asked.

"Yes Jisung?"

"Can I and Minho go to this one cafe? We want to celebrate together too." the boy showed off a geniue smile hoping that they could go.

"Hmm... okay sure. You guys can go."

"Thank you! Goodbye!"

Who would have known that it was their final goodbye?


"I'm scared hyung." Jisung said as soon as they enteted their spot.

It was no longer all cozy, most of their things have been packed into duffel bags and backpacks.

"I know Sungie. I'm scared too but I know we're gonna be fine. We're adults after all so it's no big deal."

Ah right they are adults. Minho is already 19 soon to be 20 and Jisung is 18 and soon to be 19.

"Hyung I just noticed that we've known each other for almost 10 years.. Isn't this crazy?"

"Now that you mention... it kinda is. We've been through a lot together, and so much more is about to come." That's right. They are just a few hours from running awat together.

"We should get ready and check our things.." the older suggested.

And they did just that. Checking all their bags. Well it wasn't that much to begin with.

"Sungie did you take your new phone?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. I still forgot to give you the number right? Give me your phone hyung."

"Good, thanks... Also I think I've got everything so how about we go say goodbye to the owners? Our train leaves in an hour and we have to get to the station in time too." Minho stated.

"Ah sure.." Jisung smiled weakly to which Minho gave him a kiss on the forehead.


"Mrs. Kim?" Jisung called out hoping yo get the older woman's attention.

"Here sweetie!!" she came out of the small kitchen with a big smile on. It made the pair sad that they'll have to leave.

Jisung handed her the keys and she looked at them with a confused expression.

"We're leaving and well.. We thought that we'll return the keys since we won't be here anymore." a sad frown fell upon the womans face.

"What do you mean sweetie? You and Minho are leaving? Where?" her husband Mr. Kim came out as well from all this noise.

"What's happening- Oh! Boys what brings you here?"

"We wanted to say goodbye and thank you for giving us a safe place to stay whenever we wanted to." Minho smiled and placed the keys on the counter.

"Why are you guys leaving? Did something happen?" the man asked.

"Hmm not really.. We just finished high school and decided to leave and be free. For at least a while."

"You sure sweethearts? Are you gonna be fine? Do you have a place to stay?" Mrs. Kim asked concerned.

"Yes we're sure. Thank you for everything.. I'm sorry but we have to leave our trian is departing in less than an hour." Minho continued.

"Do you maybe want a ride? We're closing soon and It would be less troublesome for you." Mr. Kim suggested to which the boys wanted to deny but how could they?


my spring break started last friday but I have so many assigments and tests when I'm back to school that I might not be able to rest TT

anyways how are ya?

𝚛𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 // 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐Where stories live. Discover now