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Their stay at the hotel came to an end. The pair managed to find a nice apartment at the further suburbs so it wasn't too loud.

It was pretty cheap but in a nice area, with lots of shops and nice public transport.

"Uwaah!! Finally we're here!!" Jisung shouted into their new house.

"I'm so glad that it's furnished already, we don't have to spend so much money on all the essentials." the older exclaimed looking once again around the place.

It wad quite simple. A small living room conected with the kitchen that's also a dining room, a small bathroom and one bedroom with a twin-sized bed and a balcony. Just perfect for them.

"It's so nice here I might actually want to stay."

"I hope we can stay here for a longer while. Until we are stable enough to travel." Minho stated, thinking about their shared love for travelling. 

"Mmh I hope so too. I might go look for a part-time job soon." Jisung announced, taking all the bags to their room.


"Well I was thinking about working at this cafe down the road. It seems to be doing well and they're currently looking for new staff." the younger suggested.

"Hm I think it'll work for you."

"Huh? You don't want to work together hyung?" Jisung asked sadly.

"I do but wouldn't it be better if we worked at separate places? Not only to get 'alone time' but also to explore more things." he explained and Jisung's sad expression was replaced with a more relaxed one.

"Now that you say it I think it's a good idea.. Have you found any interesting places?"

"Hm yeah, there's this one restaurant and they're looking for waiters. I think that it will do for now." Minho looked at Jisung and the boy only smiled, opening his arms to hug the older.

"Thank you Min.." he mumbled into the other's chest.

"Mm of course Sungie." Minho kissed the top of his head smiling.


After unpacking their things the boys were laying cuddled into one another on the small couch in their living room.

Minho was playing with Jisung's hair while he scrolled through instagram.

"Hey hyung I got kinda popular."


"Yeah. A lot of people watch my stories and follow me. I'm curious why." Jisung wondered.

"Well isn't it cause you're pretty?"

Jisung blushed and hit the older's chest.

"Min I don't even post my face, just some random photos and mostly with you."

"Then they just like how you are." Minho smiled looking down at his boyfriend.

"Is that so?" the older smiled and kissed Jisung's forehead as a way of saying 'yes'.

After a moment of silence their doorbell went off, startling both boys.

"Are we expecting someone?.." Jisung asked.

Minho looked nervous, lots of thoughts filling his head and making it hurt.

'What if they found us?'

Unsurely the older of the two stood up and went to the door, peeking through the peephole.

To his surprise there stood a young woman with a box full of cookies.

He opened the door and the delicious smell soon filled the apartment.

"Hi!!" she exclaimed happily.

"Um hello? Is there anything I can help with?" at this the girl only laughed. Her eyes were like cresent moons only enchanting her feline features.

"Well I'm your neighbour! When I saw the landlord he told me about someone new moving in here today and I wanted to welcome you!"

"Oh, that's really nice of you.. Uh you want to come in?" Minho asked shifting to the side slightly.

"Gladly, do you live alone?" she asked but her question was quickly answered when Jisung peeked out from the couch.

"Oh hello!" she waved at him making the boy feel more at ease so he waved back with a slight smile.


𝚛𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 // 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐Where stories live. Discover now