new city

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The boys got off their train, holding hands so they stay close and don't loose each other in the massive crowds.

"Okay... where are we going now?" Jisung asked

"Well I was looking for some cheap hotels for like a week and I booked one- it's kinda far away so we'll probably have to get a bus or taxi."

"Damn Min you have everything planned out.. now it makes me feel super unprepared." the younger whined.

"Aw that's fine Sungs.. how about we go eat somewhere first and then head to our hotel, hm?" Minho suggested wanting to cheer his boyfriend up a little.

"Yeah sure, I'd like that."


After eating Minho checked if there's any bus that will take them to the hotel. Luckily there were plenty.

To their surprise the hotel was relativly nice. Not too shady but not too expensive looking too, it was pretty decent.

"Hello, I have a room booked under the name Lee Minho."

"Morning! And I'm going to check right away.. ah yes, 2 adults?" Minho nodded.

The receptionist gave them two keycards and explained a few things, wishing them a good time after.

"That girl was super nice. This whole hotel is super nice!" said Jisung.

"It sure is. I'm glad that it was this cheap." Minho smiled opening the door to their room.

"Woah even the room is nice! Ah there's a balcony!" Jisung ran out to look at the city view they had.

The shorter could feel Minho sneak his arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

"Are you happy hyung?"

"Yeah... yeah I am. Very."

"I'm glad." Jisung turned around and kissed him softly.

Minho kissed back humming softly.

"How about we change and go look for a place to stay longer hm? I'm sure there are some small apartments for rent."

"Yeah let's do that." the younger smiled taking Minho's hand and getting inside.

I know that apartment hunting might take more time than a week but well- this is wattpad and things can happen

The boys went out of their hotel in some comfortable clothes since they'll be doing a lot of walking today.

Jisung wore a simple whitr t-shirt (that is probably Minho's) with some cargo shorts and his old converse. Minho was dressed similary but with a black shirt and normal shorts.

"Damn hyung we look good not gonna lie." Jisung said checking them out in the elevator's mirror.

The older chuckled and sneaked one of his arms around Jisung's waist making the boy blush lightly.

"Mmh we do~ how about we take some pictures later hm?" he suggested and the younger seemed to like the idea.

"Yess!! I always wanted to take cute photos together and then post them! Hyung we should definitely make new instagram accounts."

"Oh gosh yes it will be so nice to finally post freely on instagram! But like won't they also be able to find us?.." Minho asked.

"Well if we don't put our names they shouldn't be able to." Jisung shrugged.


After a whole day of looking around the city and looking for a place to stay Minho and Jisung were exhausted.

Jisung actually took lots of nice photos on their way and he's in the process of making a new account.

"Hyung make an account quickly!" he shouted from their bed.

"No rush Jisungie, I'm almost done." he smiled walking over to his boyfriend and sitting next to him.

Jisung shifted to the side so Minho has some more space.

"Well hurry up, I want to post our photos and tag you." he pouted slightly making the older shake his head in amusement.

"Here, follow me."

Jisung immiediatly started laughing loudly upon seeing his username.

"What?.." the older asked.

"Bwahaha w-what's with your u-username?" he laughed loudly.

"T.leeknowsaurus? Seriously?"

"Creative isn't it?" Minho smiled making Jisung smile too.

"Ah I can't with you.."

"And what's your username huh?" the older crossed his arms waiting for his boyfriend to answer.

"Mine's simple, it's _doolsetnet."

Minho formed an 'o' with his motuh, mostly because the name was simple but nice and it also shows off Jisung's personality.

"It's actually... nice." he mumbled.

Jisung smiled and hugged Minho bringing him down so they can lay together.

"Thank you~ now help me choose some nice pictures!"


Jisung's playlist

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Jisung's playlist

Minho's playlist

𝚛𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 // 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐Where stories live. Discover now