Chapter 23: Thundurus

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In the devastated and storm-ridden town of Latmas in Lem State, Alex and Elton stood before the furious Thundurus, attempting to reason with the raging legendary. However, their pleas for peace fell on deaf ears as Thundurus continued to unleash its wrath upon the decimated town.

The sky crackled with a wild and wicked storm, thunderbolts crashing down indiscriminately, setting ablaze anything they touched. The once serene town was now a chaotic scene of destruction, with houses consumed by flames fueled by the thunderous onslaught. This storm, fueled by Thundurus's anger, could only be surpassed by the legendary Zekrom, who hadn't unleashed such fury in over 3000 years.

As Thundurus redirected its thunderbolts dangerously close to Alex and Elton, the two friends shared a determined look. With no other choice left, they knew that they had to fight back against the rampaging legendary to protect themselves and what remained of the town.

As the intense battle unfolded, Alex and Elton quickly realized that facing Thundurus was akin to their previous encounter with Tornadus, albeit with a barrage of storm-based attacks.

Thundurus relished in scattering them with Thunderbolts and Uproar, effectively keeping them at a distance. Despite the relentless assault, Alex and Elton focused on coordinating their attacks, hoping to find a weakness in Thundurus's defenses.

Their teamwork, however, was short-lived as Thundurus swiftly separated Elton from Alex with a powerful Hammer Arm. Elton was sent hurtling towards a house engulfed in flames, the searing heat igniting his Treecko tail. With a determined spring, Elton extinguished the flames, but not without pain and frustration.

Amused by Elton's struggles, Thundurus let out a mocking laugh, reveling in the chaos it had caused. As Elton was still rolling frantically on the ground to douse the remaining embers.

Alex, seeing the urgency of the situation, shouted to Elton that they needed to execute their plan immediately or face dire consequences. Time was running out, and they had to act swiftly to stand a chance against the relentless onslaught of Thundurus.

As Elton attempted to initiate the ultimate combo, Thundurus maliciously sent a thunderbolt hurtling towards him. With lightning reflexes, Elton narrowly dodged the bolt, his frustration evident as Thundurus chuckled at his near miss.

"Of course this jerk finds it funny to target me!" Elton cursed loudly, his annoyance palpable.

Alex, however, remained calm amidst the chaos, formulating a risky yet strategic plan. Despite Elton's protests, Alex urged him to continue with the plan.

Drawing Thundurus's attention, Alex deliberately headed towards a blazing house, willingly jumping into the flames. Thundurus's laughter echoed through the chaos as it watched Alex's bold move.

But Alex wasn't done yet. Ignoring the searing heat, he continued deeper into the fire, drawing Thundurus's amusement even further. Reaching a wall, Alex feigned a slip, causing a piece of wood to collide with his head, much to Thundurus's delight.

The legendary creature was now doubled over, clutching its belly in uncontrollable laughter, the absurdity of Alex's actions causing it physical pain.

However, Alex's antics had served their purpose. While Thundurus was distracted, Elton successfully completed the ultimate combo. Rushing towards Alex, Elton swiftly administered a Burn Heal and Potion, revitalizing his friend.

Together, Alex and Elton charged at Thundurus, their determination undeterred. Ready to unleash their combined might, they braced themselves for the final showdown against the rogue legendary.

As Alex and Elton surged forward, their attacks rained down upon Thundurus with relentless fury, reminiscent of their previous battle with Tornadus. Blow after blow, almost 40 attacks in total, assaulted the legendary creature until it was left bruised, sporting a black eye, and visibly weakened.

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