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Vylenya and Daemon had thrived in their marriage and made an announcement to the Realm they had wed in the tradition of House Targaryen, their true tradition. Even when Daemon had still been wed to Lady Rhea Royce, he had send her a letter, asking for an annulment to find people they were suited with better, and Lady Rhea had agreed, and in their eyes they had been divorced from each other, however the Crown did not see it as such.

Daemon and Vylenya had refused to leave Dragonstone and Rhaenyra had not come to claim it. Daemon had left it at it was, but he wouldn't have been called the Rogue Prince if he had lived his life quietly. Vylenya had watched as Daemon returned on Caraxes, holding a black egg in his arms as he landed before the Dragonmont.

"Why this egg?" Vylenya asked as she looked at the egg, and she could tell it would not hatch. "This was the one my brother wanted to give to his male Heir" Daemon said as he looked to his wife, looked to her belly with a smile. Earlier today, shortly before Daemon left for his own little mission, Vylenya had confirmed what he had hoped to hear for so long, their own child was coming. The Golden Prince Vylenya had dreamt of many moons ago. "Daemon" she said as she looked at Daemon somewhat disapproving. "The message has been send, I am sure they will send the Hand shortly" Daemon smirked as Sunfyre flew over and settled near Vylenya.

Sunfyre had been clinging to Vylenya the moment she conceived, even before her own knowledge, and she had welcomed the hatchling as it had grown to the size of an adult horse, and closer to the size of Yndrir, who had grown wilder on Dragonstone than before.

Daemon had predicted correctly, for less than a few days had passed before the Hand of the King had arrived on the shores of Dragonstone, men from the Kingsguard surrounding him as men from the City Watch surrounded Daemon when he went to approach them. Vylenya stood slightly behind the City Watch as she had watched Otto Hightower arrive.

Fog had clouded over the long staircase leading towards the castle of Dragonstone as Vylenya had watched the Hand of the King, they met in the middle of the staircase, a path walked by many Targaryens and non Targaryens before.

"Welcome to Dragonstone, Otto" Daemon had said, throwing the black egg from one hand to another as he looked to the Hightower man he had despised for many years. "Your occupation of this island is at an end" Otto said as he looked to Daemon, who could not be bothered by his words. "You're to relinquish the dragon's egg, disband your army, banish your whore—he said as he looked to Vylenya—and leave Dragonstone by order of His Grace, King Viserys" Otto said as he stared down Daemon. "Where is the King? I don't see him" Daemon said as he looked to Otto, his teeth gritted as he had to refrain from attacking the Hand for insulting his wife.

"His Grace would never lower himself to entertain such a mummer's farce" Otto said as he looked to Daemon. Daemon scoffed before he looked around, as the Hand's party included, the Grandmaester, a few Dragonkeepers, and the Lord Commander, ser Westerling. "Ser Crispin, wasn't it?" Daemon said when he took notice of the new guard, one who had not served his family for long. "Ser Criston Cole, my Prince" the knight responded as Daemon nodded, not truly caring what he had been called. "Yes, apologies, I couldn't recall" Daemon said as he looked to the new knight. "Perhaps my Prince recalls when I knocked him off his horse" ser Criston said as Daemon laughed to his words.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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