Chapter 10.

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Llewyn awoke on the floor of dark chamber. It was pitch black and even with his perfect eyesight Llewyn could only make out the outlines of some objects. As he tried to move he realized his hands and legs were tied and his mouth gagged. His sword was not on him either. Not the most pleasant situation he had been in but he could still make it work.

First Llewyn spat out the gag. Then he twisted and wriggled his body till he managed to stand up. He had tried to use magic to cut the ropes but they remained wrapped around him. Since enchanted ropes could only be untied by it's owner or someone more adept at magic Llewyn knew there was nothing he could do except try to get out of wherever he was. By now Llewyn was getting used to hopping on tied legs except for when he almost slipped on the gag he had spat out. Llewyn's plan was to move forward till he found the wall by which he could then find the door.

He was making progress when his feet bumped into something causing him to lose his balance and fall down. He managed to not fall on his face by turning on his side moments before he hit the ground but as a result his arm and shoulder hurt. Compared to his days at the academy this seemed like a paper cut. The something he tripped on moved under him writhing and wriggling. Horrified Llewyn rolled off of it. He was pretty sure that the it was actually not an it at all but a person.

Before he could stand up again the door opened and bright light filtered in. Llewyn adjusted his eyes to the bright light and the blurry image of his kidnapper or their kidnapper considering that another bound up person lay next to him. Llewyn flinched when the kidnapper lit the lamps in the room. When he could finally open his eyes he saw the kidnapper stare at him with a mixture of pity, regret and anger in his eyes. Llewyn wasn't surprised, after all the kidnapper was exactly who he thought he was.

His speculation had been correct. And he was not pleased.

"You don't seem too surprised." The familiar voice said.

"I guessed you were the one who framed Aiden. Isn't that why you kidnapped me?" Llewyn said trying to keep a conversation goimg while assessing his surroundings.

"Not exactly, I just wanted you to stop digging further."

"Then you shouldn't have messed with Aiden or tried to kidnap the princess. Did you even feed her? Are you planning to starve us to death?" Llewyn asked only half sarcastic. The other person bound up next to him was Princess Amelia whose mouth was still gagged and seemed to have just woken up.

"Oh I wouldn't do that to you darling. It's just a temporary arrangement after all."

"I hope that means you're letting us go."

"Ofcourse I will let you go. I couldn't possibly keep you here forever, not that I would mind."

"Okay, then let us go now. There's still time to return the princess and redeem yourself. I can help put in a good word for y-"

"Do you think I'm doing this for fun?"

"No I don't but-"

"Then why would you think that I'd just return her? I didn't think you were this naive Llewyn Hawthorne."

"Then tell me why you're doing this. Out of all the people, why are you-" Llewyn had tried to not let his emotions get in the way. Even if it was him. The omega had been holding in his anger, confusion, sorrow and resentment but at that moment they seemed to spill out.

"-doing this, Dexter Oleander?"

"Well it's actually quite the funny story. See, I just want to prove a point. Take my brother down a notch. It is high time that he was brought down."

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