More than a phone call (chapter two )

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"so... are you gonna move in with me?"

"Light bulb... are you sure, this house seems like its only fit fo one, and its kinda far away from the hotel so i can see fan.. maybe just for a little bit though.."

"Yay! thanks testy-test tube!"

I was about to respond but than my phone rang so I excused myself into the bathroom to take the call. 


"Hey Test Tube it's bot! can I tell you something..?"


"I-I just you know... don't know if I COUNT. I am just a robot, not a real person, yes people support me, but still I'm so different than everyone else. I do have advantages, but also disadvantages as well. I have a hard time doing normal tasks like expressing stronger emotions. But I'm sorry for bombarding you with my thoughts right now, the main point is that I hear you were with "lightbulb" and I wanna meet her paintbrush always tells me how cool and nice she is! I've even heard you a fan talk about her so I'm coming right over!"

I'm about to continue on but before I could even say a peep, she just hang up all I head was dial tone and a loud crashing noise almost as if she had dropped her phone. I wonder why. So I tell paintbrush I'm just gonna go over to lightbulb's house and they said,

"that's fine! You're in great hands lightbulb is great! Don't be too long though!"

I nod and jostle out the door and walk around the bend to her cottage-like house. I knock on the door and she almost immediately goes and opens the door for me.

"Heya hi! Watsup What's your name?"

"Hi, I'm bot! Paintbrush tells me some many things about you! But uh where's test tube?"

"Oh yeah she's um outback making a call she hasn't come in yet. Can you go check on her for me I gotta go pick something up. Will ya do that I know you guys are like prettttty close. Mmk?"

"Uh okay yes sure!" 

She clicks her tongue then walks out. At first I'm not worried at all, maybe test tube dropped her phone, there is a steep trench behind this house. But the way there was just silence when she hung up Made me feel so weird. But first I need to try to get a hold of myself. Like what was I thinking ha! But some dread creeps up on me. I just dit on the couch contemplating on what to do.



Their words haunt me. And my ears ring. I love them. But I don't deserve them. I was so mean, selfish and downright evil to them. Made them feel like they were somebody else, not themselves. Even though they are immensely sweet, caring and forgiving like how they forgave cabby with all sincerity, and they forgave me even if I didn't feel like I deserved it! They can just live with fan he's so adorable and sweet to. They'll be fine with just him. Why do they need me? I made them something that they are not. I'm just a terrible person! 


 And with those words I shouted out loud a grabbed the pocket knife from light bulbs kitchen, Stabbing my throbbing pierced body and knocking me dead out cold blood covered all over me. I was, am and still are now better off this way. Dead cold and leaking on the floor.


I eventually realize I'm being a total freaking idiot and should definitely go check on test tube to make sure she is not hurt or anything. So I open the back door step around to the backyard where light bulb said she was taking her call to find, 

Her dead body lying on the cold dead grass because of her chemicals spilling all of it. I cherry gloss petal falls in front of my then blows in the wind to close to the spillage to just kill itself, shrivelling up, and then die. I just stare at her carcass laying on the floor as the moonlight reflects off of it. I try to understand who could've killed her. So I take her body to the lab. Maybe fan could help me. 


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"DAMMIT! Awe man poor flask... it was one of her favourites! Man, I gotta stop breaking testy's stuff."

I go get a tray to clean up the glass but a knock comes from the door and some screaming. I go to hurry up and check on what's happening. I creek open the door to find bof with tears in their eyes carrying test tube's frail, cracked, bloody, tearful, lifeless body. I almost immediately broke into tears, just staring at her body. I just stare. My brain physically couldn't handle the overdrive this was putting it through right know just with my literal child walking in the door with the bloody lifeless body of my girlfriend. 

"FAN! I-I just don't understand what could've happened! I called test tube and she sounded perfectly fine until she suddenly just hung up! So I ran to lightbulb house to go see what happened, but lightbulb had no idea! She said she had to go tell OJ that she's moving into her house, then told me to check on her because she was out there making a call for a long while know but when I went-went out there to go see what could've kept her so long, I see her dead spilled all over the grass killing it. I didn't know w-who killed her so I decided to take here here for further investigation."

I tried to respond but all that came out of me was completely gibberish and I found myself kinda to confused to do anything but just sit there and cry. That's all I did. And that's all bot did, kneeling down as tears rolled down bot theirs and my cheeks. Test tube was amazing and she would try to help out everybody even being a "nerd" or weird to some. But she was my best friend since forever! we've basically taken care of multiple children! I couldn't bear to see her go. Without me phone around anymore, it might also be a while until she can come back to. So just like she did for me when I was gone, I'm gonna find the murderer that killed her like how she was relentless to find out who kidnapped me and egg. Though tomorrow because we all needed some rest. I texted paintbrush to tell them "Uhm sorry painty Bot decided to come back early, so don't worry about them!" Then I was gonna head back to the hotel, because well I live there, but bot doesn't have an apartment there, and after what just happened I couldn't just leave the her alone and freezing  in the dead of the night with the dead body of test tube, so I just had to stay here and stay with them. We went to sleep hoping that everything would magically clear up in the morning or something.


I sigh wipe the tear from my eye as we bit head back to the table that testy was rested on last night. I get the microscope as fan goes get the list of people fingerprints which aren't creepy at all. We pull out the knife stabbed through her body and put it under the microscope I go through the list to see what fingerprints match and I almost give up hope when I reach the bottom of the second page until the very last image that's compares perfectly with the prints I look over to see the name and it shocks me so much my souls almost leaves my body.

"F-Fan Test Tube... Nobody killed her... She killed herself.

Family is Family... Right? ( Inanimate insanity imagination ) ( EP: 2 )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora