The blame, and the shame (Chapter 3)

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I call his phone a billion times but he just never picks up. It's almost 10:00 in the morning by this point, there is no way he is still asleep. And I don't understand why he would be ignoring me. He hasn't come back to the hotel, and light bulb wouldn't of lied about him not being at her house, so I reasonably assume that he's at test tube's lab, so I try to call test tube's number but no response.. either they both have their phones on silent because they are working on something or something is very wrong. I can't have anything bad happen to them, ( or at least worse then what is going on currently ) so I walk over to the lab and knock. No answer... I wait there for awhile then realize something really bad is probably going on. So likewise, I "accidentally" smash the door, just bending it though because the door was made out of the metal the old vending machine was constructed of but more importantly I make a whole big enough to be able to get in. All I see is test tube sitting dead cold on a table. With not distraught face breaking into tears. As long as fan looking like he saw a ghost. I somehow looked more utterly shocked than fan did. 

"What. The. freaking. Art supplies. Happened. TO TEST TUBE?!!?"


There was just tears and an awkward silence. For a long while but i just stood there. Frozen, astonished, just like they were, and I didn't even know why I just automatically felt this weird dread creep up on me. All of a sudden bot hands me the knife that was logged into test tube.


Nobody answered for a little bit... but a tear streamed down bot's face as she responded,


I had no expression except utter shock and confusion. I can feel the gears turning in bot's head.


As i hand paintbrush the knife i try to understand why she would just stab herself. Was she threatened? But that wouldn't make any sense to the current situation there was nobody else near her other than light bulb and they are basically best friends.. so that wouldn't made any sense. she must've been condemn to do it, But why? After i while i think and think about until i come to the conclusion that it had to do with the call, but after i realize that i go over what happened while in the call until it hit me like a dagger stabbed me in the back. Tears roll down my face with no explanation to poor fan and painty. but to me it all made sense. i just collapsed on the floor.

"I-it's my fault"

"Don't blame yourself bot! it's not like you caused it."


Tears just run down my face as i think about all I've caused. I-I should be ashamed about myself i'm all to blame. Now practically my mother committed suicide because I made test tube feel like she was worthless. and i do feel guilty, so now we both do. what she did solved nothing honestly it made it worse. She just just needs to understand even if i'm not bow, or what she wanted me to be, i still love her and she still brought me into existence technically. I just don't understand why she can't notice that. I bang my head on the table and cry some more. 

"Me phone is gone so we can't revive her, so she is dead... forever..."

 paintbrush muttered sadly. But they weren't lying. Until Mephone is back, she is dead permanently. I go eat breakfast at the hotel with fan and paintbrush. We then go to light bulb's house just to stop by so paintbrush can see their girlfriend. But more importantly, Without testy, I have nobody in the lab with me, so instead we check in to get me a guest hotel room at hotel OJ. It's kinda cramped and clearly only meant for a singular person but that doesn't bother me. Tomorrow we're gonna try to revive testy without Mephone because he's definitely coming back any time soon.


I take breath almost like i'm waking up. I get out of this imaginary cloud like bed until I realize,


I'm dead..? why am i here..? I thought i was gone for good.. right? I'm in some sort of purgatory state.. like an object show i watched recently, but that's besides the point. i'm stuck in some sort of space between the afterlife and reality. I look around my surroundings and realize this must be the place where Mephone revives us when we are dead. He must've done it too fast the last times I shattered or something because I don't remember this place at all. but it's oddly empty. it does make sense people don't just die, but at the same time, there is a lot of people in the dimension so i'm surprised that there aren't waves of people coming in and just i dunno heading to the afterlife..? now that i think about it though it doesn't make that much sense considering that we still have time to be revived what's the limit..? can I only be here for a while will i die forever if I don't get revived soon? Maybe it's better off that way...

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