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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

'This is a dream.....don't worry, it's just a dream' Ishika recited in her mind. She was in a huge dilemma, she wanted to believe that it was dream but she knew.....it was real. The broken cup pieces were a proof of it. She crossed her legs and sat on the ground, looking down at the grass, contemplating her existence and her decision of agreeing to her stupid friends, but most of all she regretted giving them the idea of trying out such a risky thing. Did her mind go to eat grass when she gave them such suggestion?

She wanted to cry. If this was really true then will she be stuck in this time forever? The coffee had spilled all over the ground and the cup was broken, how will she get back to her own timeline? And if this is really the time "God" as people claim then people must be speaking in Sanskrit! Oh, what will she do if she would not be able to communicate with anyone? And even if she finds a way to do that, no one would believe her story of time travel and would declare that she is crazy. She was in between of a mental breakdown when small tear droplets finally rolled freely down her soft, delicate cheeks as she sat there, in the middle of a forest, losing hope about meeting her loved ones ever again.

Meanwhile, back in 2024, Ishika's friends still surrounded the time travelling table with wide eyes and an amazed expression. They couldn't believe that she actually went back thousands of years. They stood there anxiously waiting for her return, they had so many questions in their minds- how does it feel when you are travelling back in time? Did you see some know king? Did you see Krishna? They could not wait to find out about her experience.


The doorbell chimed which caused their attention to go towards the newcomer, it was none other than Nagare, the owner of the café. He looked at them confused and enquired with a sceptical look in his eyes "Why are you all huddled around that table? And where is Ishika? She isn't gonna come today or something?" All of them looked at each other, communicating through eyes. They had completely forgotten to tell Nagare about the experiment they were going to do.

"Well....dear....you see...." Kei fumbled over her words, not knowing how to break the news to him. "Come on darling, tell me, we don't have all day" Nagare squinted his eyes at his beloved. She never acted this way, it was a very rare sight to see her stuttering like that 'something is definitely wrong' he thought and turned to Kazu "You tell me Kazu, what's going on?" he asked her knowing that she would answer him "Nagare....don't be mad at us....well..we-we decided to do an experiment and see how far behind in time we can go" she explained, she stopped for a second and took a deep breath "And we decided that it would Ishika who will be our subject for this test" she bit her lip and waited.

Nagare stood there shocked, he couldn't believe what she said "Wait what? What did you just- What? And-and exactly how far back has she gone?" he questions in a panicked state. The others got really nervous after seeing his reaction, why did he look so scared? "Well...I suggested she should go to Dwaparyug....about...5000 or 5500 years ago?" Aahan sheepishly admits.

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