Chapter five: The Bleeding Swan

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I stared into father's room, from the gap he had left open. I observed his gentle breathes, as he observed whatever he dreamt. I slowly opened the door which made a loud squeaking sound be born. Father woke up, stared at me for a while and decided to sit down. "Sorry," I apologised and entered the room. "It's fine, I just had a good dream." He smiled. "About?" I walked toward his closet, the reason I came in. "Of your mother," his voice turned down into a note full of sorriness, a note I wish I could hit and change for eternity; but I knew that my mother's death would never disappear from his heart. "Dad," I whispered. "I'm fine kiddo, I promise. I just really loved seeing her face so close to mine for a change." He smiled again.

Father really loved Mother. Their love was so strong, just like love songs written about, movies created because, sonnets filled with love. Even though I needed mother, I knew father needed needed her much more than me.

"I'll take this," I took a black tie out of his closet. "You do know you have fifty black ties yourself, right?" He chuckled. "Yeah," I smiled. "But I wanted to wear yours." He smiled back. "Oh and, I've called some people to measure you so that they can make the perfect suit for you tonight." I rolled my eyes with a smile and thanked him. "You sure that tie will match with the suit, though?" He asked. "Father, it's a black tie event." I laughed and watched him laugh with me, which made me really happy. I knew for a fact that slowly, we would find a way to cope with mother's death.

"We're done, sir." The man said after measuring me. "Thank you," I thanked him and stepped down from the little staircase I stood on. "Are you sure you don't want me to measure again, just to be sure?" He politely asked. "Yeah, I'm sure you got it right. I'll let my father know how quickly you get your work done, maybe the two of you can discuss a raise." I smirked at him. His eyes got big and he stretched a smile that didn't leave his face for a second. "Thank you so much, sir!" I smiled and watched him leave the room.

No matter if we're in Chicago or New York, Father's black tie event always happens. Twenty years ago, he had arranged his first event because of grandfather wanting to make his first social appearance to the world. He thought it would be the worst day of his life, a social appearance that means he has to fake smiles and laugh at unfunny jokes old, rich people make. What he didn't know was that his life was about to change that day, because he met the most beautiful woman that night; Mother.

Father was welcoming some of the guest and all of a sudden pointed with his eyes at me; hinting to me to come over.

I slowly walked towards them, in hope of them leaving as I reach my destination, but unfortunately they stood there, laughing at father's jokes. "Conn, meet Cornelia Estevan and Harrison Estevan." I mouthed a 'hi' and shook both their hands, first Harrison and then Cornelia. "Hello, dear." Cornelia smiled big at me, which immediately told me that she knew about mother. "You've grown so much, I remember the last time we saw you, you were like seven!" Harrison filled the room with a laughter. "I probably remember you two, somewhere in my head." I chuckled and watched both of them laugh, once again. "Uh, excuse us, looks like someone I didn't except to arrive, did indeed arrive." Father politely took us away from them.

"Was that an excuse?" I whispered to him. "No, actually. An old friend came." He said and when I looked up I saw Nathaniel and a man beside him, which I assumed was his father.

"Nathaniel?" I chuckled nervously. "You two know each other?" Both our fathers gave funny stares to each other. "Uh, yeah we go to the same school." I answered. Nathaniel mouthed something I didn't catch, but had to ignore since his father reached a hand. I quickly shook it with a smile. "Your father and I go way back." Nathaniel's father smiled. "Yeah, Archibald used to live in Toronto, but left us for New York." Father laughed. "I know you've missed me Alexander, I couldn't believe it when I heard you were here in New York." Archibald smiled big, it looked like they were really good friends back in the day. "Why'd you leave Toronto for New York, anyway?" Father asked. Nathaniel and I stood there awkwardly, without having the word. "Toronto is basically a smaller version than New York, the bigger the city, the more companies to own." Our fathers laughed again. "Nathaniel, let's get a drink." I quickly said and walked away.

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