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Enter The Digiverse

Up within Borg Tower, Mr. Borg was working on the computer while Pixal reconnected herself to the computer. Off to the side, the ninjas stand together talking to themselves. Zane walks up to Pixal giving her a sad smile knowing she is still slightly distraught about the news of (Y/n) being taken once again.

Mr. Borg looks down with a frown and slowly makes his way to (Y/n)'s side of the office, "I think we should put the main switch over here. To keep it tucked away a little. With a little ingenuity and a few more coaxial cables, we may be able to reboot the system with the Techno Blades and erase the Digital Overlord for good."

Jay walks up to Mr. Borg with a raised brow, "I thought you said we needed the stolen hard drive to do that."

Mr. Borg smiles as he looks over his shoulder, "I did. But that was before (Y/n) helped me understand what Zane's powers truly allow us."

Kai looks over at the older man in confusion, "And what is that?"

"A chance to enter remotely. By the time we figure out where Lloyd is, it'll be too late to stop the Overlord from draining his Golden Power."

Nya looks concerned and she looks around at the computers while adding onto the growing doom if the Overlord were to be successful, "And escaping the Digiverse?"

Mr. Borg smiles at the young woman, "Exactly. But if we digitize the Ninja and Tecno Blades using my experimental technology, you could fight him on his own turf inside the Digiverse."

Jay's eyes nearly pop out of his head at the news, "What do you mean inside the Digiverse?"

Cole glares at Jay, "Argh, weren't you listening? He's going to put us into the video game."

Jay jumps on the balls of his feet with a twinkle in his eyes, "I know, heh, I just wanted to hear it again."

Pixal walks up to the man in the wheelchair, "Bur Mr. Borg, Miss. (Y/n) didn't want to do this idea, in fear that if anything were to happen to them inside the program-"

Mr. Borg sighs and looks at a photo of him and (Y/n) working on one of the many blueprints scattered over a crowded desk, "Of course. Every step into the unknown has its dangers."

Kai gulps and looks down at the man, "What dangers?  What is she talking about?"

Mr. Borg smiles shyly, "You know how in video games you get multiple lives?"

Jay runs up to one of the four chairs with excitement, "Yeah. Whoa."

"It's not like that."

"Oh..." Jay said with a frown while looking up at the large screen only to get knocked off the chair as the screen turned on and flashed brightly.

"Presto! We're up and running!" Mr. Borg said as he made his way toward the chairs.

A knock on the elevator door, and out walks the Postman with a group of civilians, "Ah-ha! You see? Borg is holding out on us. He does have power."

The civilians began to talk at once with an angry look on their faces as they started to march closer to the ninja and said man.

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