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Within the Overlords mech, there was fire and busted machines all around. The glass that once locked Lloyd and (Y/n) into the small tank, was now shattered. (Y/n) slowly crawls her way toward Lloyd and nudges him awake.

"Ll-Lloyd... We... We need to get... get out," (Y/n) said weakly while looking around the burning room.

Lloyd slowly nods awake and they both crawl their way to the exit.

"LoSinG alTituDe. ImPacT in T-miNus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6..."

Lloyd stands up and opens the door while (Y/n) slowly follows after him. They both look out of the beak of the mech only to see they are both over the ocean.

"5, 4, 3,..."

(Y/n) looks over at Lloyd with a sad smile and pushes the Golden Ninja out of the mech, "Stay alive for me GreenBeen."

Lloyd yells out in fear and stares at the mech while staring at (Y/n) for as long as he can, "Noo! (Y/n)!!"

Lloyd swims up to the surface after he awakens and looks at the area where the mech crashed and where he last saw (Y/n) with tears in his eyes.

~~Back within Borg Tower~~

Pixal speaks into the mike on the computer as everyone crowds around her, "Lloyd, are you there? Do you read me (Y/n)?"

"I'm here. I'm all right," sounded Lloyd's voice over the speaker.

Garmadon steps closer to the computer while looking relieved, "Son, where are you? Is (Y/n) there with you? Are you both alright?"

"Dad? You are alive! I'm not alone. I'm in a remote village. But... (Y/n), I don't know where she is at. I think she... She saved my life."

Everyone looks down and frowns while thinking of the fallen young woman.

Garmadon frowns and looks up at the computer, "Stay where you are, we're picking you up."

"Ah, good, because, uh, my golden power's, uh, a little spent."

The ninja chuckles and laughs at what Lloyd said while Pixal looks over at the fallen wheelchair and empty desks saddened.

Zane looks over at the fallen wheelchair and then places a gentle hand on Pixal's shoulder, "Don't worry, we'll find them. And when we stop Pythor, all of this will be over."

Pixal smiles sadly at Zane and holds his hand that is on her shoulder, "I hope not."

Down on the ocean floor within the Overlords mech. (Y/n) does her best to stay afloat and breathe air from the small air pocket at the top of the mech. (Y/n) then swims down to the door trying to open them again.

Behind her, she can hear a raspy voice she was hoping to never hear again, "I am free. Free!"

(Y/n) frowns and scrams and swims up to the air pocket and coughs up the water that almost entered her lungs.

Outside of the mech Pythor and a few Nindroids make their way toward the sunken machine.

Pythor shouts out to the Nindroids beside him, "Get down there."

The Black Samurai of the AnacondraiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora