I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye (Cause This One Means Forever) 💔

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Characters: Allium Duo

TW: Non-graphic implication of blood and suicide.

He/Him pronouns for Ranboo

Ranboo always loved the sun. It was a constant in his turbulent life, a precious jewel that he missed out on most of his life in the Ender. But now, well now, he could see it rise every morning to greet him and say goodbye when the dark blanket of night fell over him once again.

What once made him sad to see a dear friend go, no longer bothered him since he has his own sun now. A little spark of light that stayed lit long after the night began. And he was just the moon, gravitating towards this sun and being pulled into its orbit.

His sun came in the form of a blonde haired boy with blue eyes that shined with mischief and a tongue sharp enough to cut. He was loud and crass, everything Ranboo was NOT. If anything, the enderman should have been repelled by him. It wasn't as if the boy didn't loudly proclaim his deep dislike for Ranboo every chance he got.

Yet, despite everything, Ranboo still tried his best to connect with this spitfire of a boy, Tommy he had said his name was, and kept coming back even when he kept getting burned.

Ranboo was proud to say after a lot of hard work he was able to befriend Tommy, who begrudgingly returned the sentiment. Ranboo would go as far as to say they were best friends, but he did not want to feel Tommy's wrath if he voiced his opinion on the matter.

But, despite his prickly nature, Tommy was warm and kind when he wanted to be. He had a love for animals, and gardening, and knitting, mundane things that most people wouldn't care about. A lover of unlovable things. He was an enigma, a puzzle that was impossible to solve. And maybe that's what intrigued Ranboo the most.

If Ranboo was water, than Tommy was fire. They clashed over and over again, they should be repelled by each other, yet despite the odds they overcame their differences. The spark used to scare Ranboo, but now he wishes that it would come back.

Nowadays that spark was hard to find. Sure, Tommy was still annoying and loud, but then he would get these...episodes. Go into a catatonic state that would leave him unmoving, unresponsive to everything that was around him.

It freaked Ranboo out the first time he had seen it happened, but after a few hours Tommy was back to his old self calling Ranboo a 'sentimental pussy' for staying with him the whole time.

This time, this time however Tommy had been out of it longer than usual. Two days in fact. Ranboo didn't mind too much, he would never admit but he liked taking care of Tommy, a protector of whatever would try to hurt the boy when he was so defenseless.

He knew how to take care of a child, so taking care of Tommy was nothing too much for him.

Currently, Ranboo and his sunshine were relaxing in a field, enjoying the warm weather. He hummed to himself as he threaded flowers into a crown (alliums as a sign of their friendship), glancing to the side every now and then to make sure the blonde was okay.

Tommy was staring blankly in the distance, blue eyes now a faded gray, his face devoid of any emotion. Not even the breeze that blew through his hair and made it fall in his face did anything to faze him.

Ranboo tied the last stem together and walked over to Tommy, gently pushing the bangs away from the blonde's eyes with a clawed hand. He placed the crown on top of the messy golden curls, and stood back to admire his work. It was perfect if did say so himself.

"There. You look very pretty, Toms."

If there was one good thing about Tommy being in the state he was, it was that Ranboo could make remarks like that and not get decked in the face afterwards.

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