My Words Fall on Deaf Ears 💔💕

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Characters: Bedrock Bros

TW: Arguing, angst, Phil being a bad parent, but fluff at the end

It doesn't happen often, but it happens enough that Technoblade is no stranger to nights like these. Loud voices being thrown back and forth, with barbed words set up with the intent to sting and catch on hidden insecurities.

They sound muffled, he guesses they're downstairs this time, the ceiling thick enough to warp the noise and render the words unintelligible. It's enough to light a small flame of annoyance in his chest, frustration curling around his half asleep mind.

He lays there for a good few minutes, in the darkness of his room, mentally debating whether he needed to break them up before anyone could be truly hurt or things that couldn't be taken back were thrown in heated rage.

A soft groan worms it's way out of his throat. He knows he has to stop them. He doesn't want them to wake his youngest sibling with their shouts, the boy was too young to be faced with this level of intense emotion.

The thought of Tommy spurs the piglin into action, and he throws his covers off of himself, pulling himself up and to the side of his bed- his muscles twinged as he stands.

Shrugging on the cape he left over the end of his bed to keep the nights chill at bay, he made his way towards the ruckus with the air of a man too numb to this kind of thing. As the door opens, the voices immediately become clearer, and words start to form in the biting anger.

"- such a clingy brat! I don't have time -"

"When do you ever have time for anyone but yourself you stuck up- "

"You boys are old enough now-.. needs to stop acting so childish-"

"-He is a Child you piece of-"

A sense of foreboding settled deep in his chest, as he made his way down, hearing a few thuds that sounded like a fist meeting a table, or a wall.

He hurried his pace.

Stepping into their darkened living room, he could see the faint light from the kitchen, silhouettes of Wilbur and Phil dancing back and forth as they fought.

"- Kid is barely average, I can't waste time -"

"-you dare call him shit like that, he tries his god-damned best! -"

A small movement near the door caught his eye, he focused sharply, bringing the image of his youngest brother cowering in the dark, tears pouring down his face and hands tightly pressed over his ears.

His heart twisted painfully at the sight, and a rage he had never truly felt before boiled in his gut. Crossing the room almost like a shadow, He kneels before the boy, his own calloused hands coming to rest on Tommy's own smaller, softer hands, with a rare gentleness.

The blond boy was startled at the touch, bright blue eyes snapping to the piglin's face.

"- I never even wanted the kid, Wilbur! "

"-the best thing that ever happened to this family Phil, how dare- "

He pulled the boy to his chest, feeling him shake with tremors that only came from deep within, Tommy's smaller arms latching as far around Techno as they could.

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