Brother Dearest, I'd Give My Life For You💔

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Characters: Bedrock Bros
TW: Blood, injury, death
I always liked the idea that while the blood of his enemies makes Techno more dangerous, the blood of his family calms him :D


When he was younger, Tommy never really understood why Phil and Techno would leave for prolonged periods of time. It was never that long in the beginning, maybe a week or two at best, but as Techno grew older, the absences grew wider.

But even though they didn't spend much time together, Tommy could say without a doubt Techno was his favorite brother. Whenever he arrived back home he would hoist Tommy up on his shoulders while the boy squealed with excitement, or bring him back trinkets from whatever adventure he had been on.

Not to mention all the times he humored Tommy and his antics instead of pushing him away, and when he would took him into his strong arms after the boy had a nightmare, promising safety and love.

To Tommy he was invincible. He was strong, and smart, and everything Tommy wanted to be. Techno was his hero if he ever took the chance to be honest with himself.

So, no, Tommy didn't know about the voices that plagued Techno's every waking moment, that tore into his psyche chanting for blood, and the older he got the worst they became. And maybe that was a mistake on the others part for never telling him.

Techno and Phil had returned from one of their trips, being gone for about two months this time. After hugging them both as tightly and as long as he could, Tommy, as every 6-year-old does, started bombarded them with questions until Phil kicked him out to go play, claiming a headache from his excessive talking.

Techno gave him a pretty seashell and a gold coin before gently ushering him out the house, promising to tell him all about his adventures later after he rested up.

Being the good little brother that he was, Tommy decided to pick flowers to braid into Techno's hair as he did every first night his brother returned. Wilbur used to make fun of him for it, but Techno would just tell him to knock it off and go play his emo music, then turned and winked at Tommy when Wilbur stormed off red in the face.

There was a small patch of daisies that grew outside the perimeter of his house, Techno's favorite mind you, so he went over to investigate. To his satisfaction there was a few still growing, even though the winter chill had begone. Tommy hummed to himself, picking the flowers and imagining how pretty they would look in Techno's braid.

He was quickly brought out of his daydreaming by a loud crash and a yell of fear. Quick as flash, he was up and racing towards the house, flowers in hand. Slamming open the door, he was met with a sight he wouldn't forgot for a very long time.

The living room looked as if a tornado passed through it, glass and broken pieces of furniture strewn across the room. Picture frames were torn forcefully away from the wall in exchange for deep indentions of what Tommy could only assume were claw marks.

Phil stood to the side, feathers puffed up in a defensive stance and blood trailing down his cheek. Wilbur was watching wide-eyed from the doorway of the kitchen.

And Techno. Oh, Techno.

The man that Tommy called a brother was a growling, snarling mess, his features turning more piglin than human. Ruby eyes that usually looked at Tommy with affection were now locked in on him, not a sliver of recognition, only a hunter zeroing in on its prey.

Phil followed his gaze and startled upon seeing his youngest son, but immediately pulled himself together. "Tommy, go back outside. You're not needed here," he ordered, yet he couldn't hide the slight tremor  in his voice. "Now."

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