Don't Leave (I'll Stay For You) 💔💕

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Characters: Allium Duo
TW: Suicidal Thoughts, but a little comfort at the end

Ranboo wasn't sure what exactly urged him to the rooftop that night. A breath of fresh air from the panic attack he was still recovering from just hours before, a sixth sense that something wrong was about to happen, or maybe just plain curiosity.

He didn't know why, but he knew he was grateful that he did.

It was the all too familiar sight of golden curls and a frayed blue sweater sitting too precariously at the edge of the roof that made his heart skip a beat and his breath catch in his throat.

His mind went blank at that moment. No, that's not entirely true, the more primal part of his brain was screaming at him. Death, jump, blood, save.

While he wanted nothing more than to shout and yank Tommy by the back of his collar to bring them both back to safety, he knew he could also cause the boy to freak out and lose his footing. Definitely not the ending either of them were going for.

Instead, he crept up slowly until he was in Tommy's line of vision and sat that next to him, feeling slight on edge (no pun intended) at how high up they were. Tommy still hadn't acknowledged him, his gaze locked forward, almost unseeing, and the slight wind blew his hair into his face. Ranboo had the urge to place it behind his ear, but didn't want to accidentally startle him.

"Hey, Tommy." Softly, slowly, as if approaching an injured animal about to bolt. "What are you doing up here? It's a little cold, don't you think?"

Tommy just shrugged and finally shifted his gaze towards Ranboo. "Nothing much," he hummed, turning back to looking outwards. "Just thinking."

"Well, thinking and high places don't really mix well," Ranboo said, but his attempt at humor only made him cringe inwardly. Tommy, however, huffed in amusement, his lip turning up slightly.

"I'm not going to jump if that's what your worried about."

"What?! No, no, that's not-what I meant to say was-" Ranboo started waving his hands around, wishing he could dig a hole and live there for the rest of eternity. He groaned and placed his head in his hands. "I'm sorry."

Tommy burst into laughter at the physical embodiment of anxiety, and softly bumped their shoulders together. "Chill Boo, you're making me anxious just by listening to you."

"Sorry," Ranboo muttered into his hands. A calloused hand moved its way to tangle in his hair and scratch his scalp lightly. Beginning to purr, he leaned into the touch, tail thumping against the roof.

"You are such a fucking cat," Tommy said, snickering at Ranboo's displeased whine when he removed his hand. "Since apparently we're having a conversation now, why are YOU here?"

Ranboo felt his face heat up a little at that. How was he supposed to say that he was afraid that Tommy would jump and he wanted to be there to catch him? That would just get him a verbal lashing and maybe a punch to the nose.

"I, uh, wanted to thank you for helping me with that panic attack earlier." He mentally congratulated himself on his quick thinking, but it was true. He was extremely grateful that Tommy took the time to help him.

"You really know how to handle it better than Tubbo. Usually he just shakes me by my shoulders and yells 'You are a good person and whatever your mind is trying to tell you isn't true!'"

That earned him a shocked laugh that turned to giggles. "Holy shit, what is WRONG with him?!" Tommy wheezed, cheeks turning pink with laughter. Ranboo felt a grin spread over his face at the sight. He liked seeing his friend laugh. It was such a rare sight nowadays.

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