~Tender Moments ᥫ᭡.

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Did one door close? Leave it shut. Find another door, find a window, find whatever works for you ᥫ᭡.

West Norbrook Heights📍
August 3


I gaze at the video on my phone, feeling a sigh escape my lips

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I gaze at the video on my phone, feeling a sigh escape my lips. I'm about to post it on Instagram, but the smile in the video feels like a lie. How can I pretend everything is alright when it's not?

It's been two days since Jayden left my house, and he hasn't returned. I've tried reaching out to him countless times, but my calls and texts go unanswered. I've even tried contacting his sister, but she's not responding either. It's like they've both vanished into thin air.

My mind races as I think of a girl Jayden was close to. I scroll through his followers on Instagram until I find her page. I send a message asking if she knows what's going on with Jayden.

Feeling drained, I turn off my phone and head downstairs to make myself something to eat. But even the thought of food feels unappealing. I haven't heard from Jayden in 48 hours, and the silence is suffocating me.

Ih Bwoii Juss Leff Uh Suh....

Maybe something is wrong.

Me Devn Waa think Seh Sumo Wrong!

I muster up the courage to cook myself a nice meal, trying to distract myself from the emptiness. But as I sit down to eat, the silence feels louder than ever. I can't shake off the feeling that something is wrong, and the smile in the video I posted earlier now feels like a mask hiding my pain.

I feel lost and alone, unsure of what's going on or how to move forward. All I can do is wait and hope that sooner or later, I'll hear from Jayden again.


Just as I'm about to take a bite of my food, my phone buzzes. I hesitate for a moment, hoping it's Jayden finally reaching out to me. But it's not him - it's the girl I messaged earlier.

I haven't heard from Jayden either, I've been trying to reach him for days, but he's not responding to me either.

My heart sinks. I was hoping she might have some answers or insight into what's going on with Jayden. But it seems like she's just as clueless as I am.

Thanks for letting me know,. I'm starting to get really worried too. Do you think something might have happened to him?🤦🏾‍♀️

I reply, trying to hide my disappointment

I don't know,. I've been trying to think of reasons why he would just disappear like this, but nothing makes sense. Maybe we should try contacting some of our other mutual friends and see if they've heard anything?

I nod, even though she can't see me.

Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's try to reach out to everyone we can think of and see if anyone has any information.

As I put down my phone, I can't shake off the feeling of unease. Something feels off, and I can't help but wonder what's going on with Jayden.




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I had been scrolling through my Instagram messages when I saw a new message from a girl I didn't know. She had sent me a message asking if I knew what was going on with Jayden, saying she hadn't heard from him in days and was getting worried.

At first, I was taken aback. Who was this girl, and how did she know Jayden? But as I read her message again, I realized that we must have been connected through Jayden's account.

But as I went on her page, I saw it was his girlfriend and I made up my face, but still replied.

I thought back to the last time Jayden reached out to me. He had called me a few days ago, saying he wanted to see me, but I had blown him off, telling him I was busy. Now, I was starting to worry - what if he had wanted to talk about something important? What if he was going through something and I had ignored him when he needed me most?

I felt a pang of guilt and regret, and my mind started racing with worst-case scenarios. I quickly typed out a response to his girlfriend, telling her that I hadn't heard from him either and that I was getting worried too.

Only If Mih Dee Guh When Him Seh Him Waa Simi Kmt.

As we messaged back and forth, I realized that we were both in the same boat - worried and unsure of what to do.

I was still messaging with Jayden's girlfriend, trying to come up with a plan to find him, when my phone rang. I hesitated for a moment before answering, hoping it wasn't someone calling to tell me more bad news.

But it wasn't bad news - it was the boy from the party, the one I had been flirting with just a few nights ago. I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest as I answered the phone.

"Hey, I'm outside your house," he said, his voice low and smooth.

I rolled my eyes, feeling a bit annoyed. I wasn't really in the mood for this right now. But I didn't want to be rude, so I dragged on some clothes and headed outside.

As I got into his car, he asked me what was wrong. I shrugged, not wanting to get into it. "Nothing," I said, trying to sound convincing.

But he looked at me skeptically. "You sure?" he asked.

I nodded, trying to distract myself from thoughts of Jayden. "Yeah, I'm just hungry," I said. "Can we get something to eat?"

He smiled and started the car. "Of course," he said. "I'll buy you whatever you want."

As we drove away from my house, I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. Here I was, out with this boy, when my (Uhmm friend?) was missing and his girlfriend was worried sick. But I pushed the thoughts aside and tried to focus on the present moment. Maybe a distraction was exactly what I needed right now.

What Happened To Jayda &&' Jayden??🧍🏿‍♂️.

Find Out in The Next Chapter😗!

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