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Don't promise when you're happy. Don't reply when you're angry, and don't decide when you're sad.

This Is Short🙃!!

2Days Later

August 5.


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My life was turned upside down the day we left Whitehall. I had to leave behind everything I knew and loved, including my friends and boyfriend. They tried to reach out to me, but I couldn't respond. We had to stay lowkey, keep our heads down, until everything blows over.

It's been tough, moving to a new place, starting fresh. But we had no choice. 'You see, our dad was involved with some bad people, a gang crew. He's in prison now, but that doesn't mean we're safe. People are still looking for us, for our mom, for any connection to him.

I remember the day everything changed.


August 1.

I was over at Ajani's house, hanging out, having a good time. And Jayden... Jayden went to see some of Dad's old associates. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now I realize how stupid that was. He was trying to help, trying to protect us, but he put himself in danger.

After that, we had to leave. We had to disappear. It was like we never existed in Whitehall. And I couldn't even say goodbye to my friends, to the people I cared about. It was like I ghosted them, and that's been eating away at me.

But I know we did it for our safety. We did it to stay alive. And now, we're here, in this new place, trying to make a new life. It's not easy, but we're managing. And I know, eventually, we'll be able to go back to our old lives, to see our friends again, to be ourselves again. Until then, we'll stay lowkey, keep our heads down, and hope for the best.

End of Flashback!

I headed downstairs, hoping to find some sense of normalcy in this new life of ours. That's when I saw Jayden, sitting on the couch, eyes fixed on the TV as he played his favorite video game.

I walked over to him, trying to sound cheerful. "Hey, Jayden, you good?"

But he didn't respond. He didn't even flinch. It was like I was invisible.

I tried again, a little louder this time. "Jayden, are you okay?"

Still, nothing. I felt a pang of worry. Ever since we left Whitehall, Jayden had changed. He used to be the life of the party, always making jokes and teasing me. But now, he was distant, withdrawn. And it scared me.

I skipped over to the kitchen, where Mom was cooking up some food.

She looked up at me with a concerned expression. "Hey, sweetie, how are you doing?"

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