Something Is Coming

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Deku sighed as he handed his wife her ice cream, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Himiko had calmed down, she looked sleepy in his arms.

"Can I set her in bed with you?"

Ochako nodded, moving a little bit as Deku set their daughter in the bed next to her. Deku looked at them and smiled weakly, he supposed it was a blessing, that he had not seen them in a hospital bed together since Himiko was born, it was a blessing that Himiko was so upset about what had happened. It was nice to have Kaz as support, and to not have to worry about comforting him, but it really upset him how resilient his fifteen year old son had become.  He hadn't shed a tear today.. It wasn't normal, and it was his fault. He knew Kaz was compassionate, but the amount he had endured in his short life, would inevitably begin to erode it. Fifteen was too young to suffer compassion burn out, but Deku had no idea how to prevent it, especially with Kaz so hellbent on becoming a pro hero. He sat in the chair in the corner of the room and ate his ice cream.

"What's wrong?" Ochako asked him softly, "I mean.. Specifically right now."

"I'm worried about Kaz. He seems so unbothered by this, and I just.. Himiko's reaction was appropriate, his was so.. calm. And I just.. It bothers me how calm he is in the face of tragedy."
"It bugs me too.. But if he wants to be a pro hero it will be an asset to him."
Deku nodded in response, "I just.." he shook his head

"I know." she murmured, with a sigh.

"I wish I had been there. I wish I had raised him like I promised you I would when he was born!"

"You did raise him.. You may not have been there as much as some dads but you shaped him as a person!"
"In all the wrong ways! I see all the worst parts of me in him!"

"Izuku.." Ochako sighed, looking at her daughter and shaking her head, "What exactly are the worst parts of you? Tell me everything that is wrong with my husband and my son."

Deku looked at her sadly, "It's not like that, I love my son, I just.. Know his stubbornness, and his need to put others ahead of himself if going to burn him out and it makes me angry. It makes me wonder why you're still here. I.. Put you through hell, and you're about to go through hell again with our son."

"I knew when I had you child there was a chance he would be like you.. I certainly hoped so. I was also, happy to go through hell for you. I'm happy to do so for Kazuku too."

Deku looked at her sadly, but he nodded his head "I love you."
"and I love you." She sighed she sat up slightly to eat her ice cream, frowning as she heard Himiko whine against her side, she shushed her gently as Deku checked his watch.


"Oh I told Kaz to meet me back here in an hour. He wanted to check on Kei Todoroki."

"Oh. I hope she's okay.." Ochako murmured, "I can't imagine being that young, facing something like that."

"Oh.. Something tells me you can. You went through a lot at that age."

"I guess, but I shouldn't have.. And I always had my parents. I don't know what I would have done if I lost either of them."

Deku nodded, he supposed his life could have gone very differently if he hadn't had his mother, they had known this, but they had continued to put their life at risk long after they had Kaz.


Kaz was quiet as he sat next to Kei, looking at his hands. He noticed her staring at him, he had always known she had a bit of a crush on him, but they never spent much time together. He didn't know why, he assumed it was his dad. People loved his dad. he sighed, looking at his lap

"Do you want to come with me to my room? I'm sure dad would be happy to talk to you about your feelings."
Kei hesitated, but she nodded, "O-okay!"

"Alright." Kaz smiled at her "Just let your dad know where you're going."

She nodded "Okay."

She walked with Kaz to Uraraka's room, she smiled weakly at Mr. Midoriya "Hi!"

Deku waved at her with a weak smile, Kei looked over at Himiko and Mrs. Midoriya asleep.

"How are you, Kei?"
"I mean.. as good as I can be all things considered."

Deku nodded with a sigh "I'm sorry sweetie."
"How are you?"
"I mean.. I'm fine. Ochako is going home tomorrow. I'm sure they will catch the man who attacked her w
soon, everything is fine." Sure, Deku's PTSD was sure to flare up due to this incident and he was worried about his daughter, but all of that was nothing compared to what Kei was going through.

"How are Kiego and Shoto?"

"I don't know.. They aren't really talking about it." Kei sighed, "I'm just trying to stay optimistic."

Deku nodded, "I guess that's all you can do."

Kei frowned when her dad texted her back, asking her for a room number, she texted him one.

"I think dad and Uncle Shoto might come over." Kei murmured

Deku nodded, "Oh they don't have to! But that would be nice." He sighed, he hoped all of the excitement wouldn't startle Himiko more.. He sighed
"So.. Uh.." He had no idea what to say to this child, his counselling skills had gotten rusty.

"Do you have any Allmight stories Mr. Midoriya." Kei said softly, trying to comfort him

"Allmight?" Deku smiled at her softly but he shook his head, "You know.. With all the excitement today, I don't think I can do any of them justice."

Kaz smiled, "I can! Have you ever heard about the battle of-"
Deku smiled at his son and shook his head, he was so much like him

Kaz frowned "What?"
"I just.. Love you." he sighed, he saw Kaz look at him like he wanted to argue but he stopped himself. Deku was very grateful, it was not the place to fight. Smiled when he saw Shoto, waving.

"Is everything okay?"

"Uh yeah, she's fine. She's going home tomorrow."

Shoto nodded, he hadn't gotten good news in a while. He looked at Uraraka and sighed as her eyes opened, "Shoto! Hi!"

He waved, looking at Himiko, "Kei said you got hurt, and I thought I would come and see you." the fact that Deku was saying coherent sentences told him she really was okay, but  he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that came with his sister and one of his friends from high school being attacked with their children within two days of each other.

"Oh.. I'm fine." Ochako murmured, "Uh.. I'm just happy they didn't get Himiko. Lucky Pup was there."
Shoto nodded "Me too." he smiled weakly at the child, he had considered having children, but he had just had too many concerns about it, and with Kei he got all the fun parts of fatherhood without worrying about damaging her. He was happy Fuyumi and the Midoriyas had children though. He liked their children. Deku smiled at Shoto weakly

"Have they let you see Fuyumi yet?"
Shoto sighed "Said we can see her when she wakes up. Which should be soon. Mom has been reading to her. Says she thinks she can hear her, that she doesn't look too bad. Which I suppose is reassuring."
"I think she only said that because I was in there though.."

Shoto sighed and shrugged "We'll find out soon. I'm sure everything will be fine though."

Deku sighed, he wondered if the two incidents were connected, but he really couldn't know until he talked to Fuyumi and who knew when that would happen. Deku sighed, looking at the floor

"I hope everything is okay." Ochako murmured
Shoto sighed and nodded, he was just happy to be out of that room, even if he was in a different stuffy hospital room.

"Does Keigo want to stay with Fuyumi tonight? Kei can stay with us." Deku murmured

Shoto sighed, looking at Kei, she was supposed to stay with him, but he wouldn't blame her if she would rather stay with Kaz. He knew she liked him.

Kei shook her head "That's really nice, Mr. Midoriya but I'm staying with uncle Shoto tonight."
Deku smiled at her and nodded "Okay."

{Sorry this chapter is boring! Next one should have more substance!}

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