2. Inability of a Leader

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Planet: Elysium
Brim Level: Moderate
Occupied by: The Cabinet of Brim Distribution

-Brim Nexus Hub-

Chairperson Charlie: Brimoria is getting invaded by Ascendant and you did nothing?

Charlie's rant echoes through the hall.

Cabinet of Brim Distribution

President: Commissioner Alex Thompson (Brim Regularity Authority)

Vice President: Commerce Captain Clara (Interstellar Commerce Commission)

Galactic Guardian Gabe (Galactic Resource Management)
Chairperson Charlie (Brim Oversight Commitee)
Brimtech Brainiac Brad (Brimtech Solutions)

Clara: Relax, Minister Charlie. President Alex must have his reasoning.

Charlie: What reason? This is the time we should help a fellow faction! That planet is their mining strip and nobody has the right to steal it from them.

Alex rises and looks at Charlie.

Alex: We should focus on the scarcity of Brim in Elysium. Out of 7 factions, only 4 still pay the Brim Tax. Free Trades' Guild, Technocrats and Alliance of Frontier Colonies refused to pay tax. We would attack them ourselves if not for Ascendant Syndicate doing it before us.

Charlie looked at his leader with disbelief.

Charlie: T- that's what matters to you know? You know what the Syndicate would do with that many Brims? A lot of bad things. It could destroy the world, it could make us bow down to them, it could, it could-

Charlie stopped his ranting. He looked at Alex.

Charlie: Corrupt the Cabinets.

Alex: Enough! Are you saying I'm taking bribes from Ascendants? No! I care about the Brim Galaxy! I want Brim mining to be evenly distributed!

Charlie: No need to get so triggered, president. Now excuse me.

Alex: Where are you going?

Charlie: Do something you are scared to do.

Charlie left the room. All the members in the hall looked with disbelief.

Charlie looked at the workers. BR Authority workers are renewing and giving licenses to faction representatives,  GRM distributing additional Brim to either one of the 4 factions (Solar Dominion, Neo Ecologies, Techno Revolutionaries, Order of Celestial Guardians) depending on their Brim per month, ICC approving Brim trades between factions, BOC extracting Brim into usable energy and Brimtech Solutions creating technologies to make Brim mining easier. He walked towards a BOC worker.

Charlie: Activate the Mothership launch sequence.

Worker: Sir, I'm sorry but we need an authorisation from the President or Vice President.

Charlie laughs before grabbing the worker in the face.

Charlie: You are from BOC, right? I'm its leader. And now I order you to activate the Mothership or you will face a consequence you don't want to face.

Worker:  Y- yes sir!

While the workers were working on launching the mothership, Charlie stared at it.

Charlie: Brim Sovereign Carrier. A surviving remnant of Faction Wars. You ended wars, but now you will start one.

After 30 minutes, the mothership is ready to launch. Fires appeared from the engine.

Worker: We have readied the mothership for launch. Sorry to keep you waiting.

Charlie: Great.

Charlie pushed the worker into the fire, incinerating and killing him. Charlie summoned a few BOC workers and gave a speech.

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