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"Yeah but like isn't it too all of sudden?" Namjoon said looking at bogum who gave the male a helpless look and looked at hybe ceo.

"See namjoon we are having a very bad downfall because of the idol groups of our label. And we need something to cover up and one of you realising a song and a surprise concert would be perfect for that." The ceo of hybe said, the members all looked at each other.

"But we haven't recorded songs and neither have we prepared for the concert. We at least need a week." Jin said, the ceo looked at bang pd.

"I agree at least give them a week, it won't be possible for them to just go on the stage day after tomorrow without any preparation." Bang spoke, the ceo sighed in disappointment.

"Well if that is what you all want, a week is it. Not more than that, practice your performance and decide who is realising the song. It's better if it's two or more, the attention would be diverted to you all is all what I want." The ceo said and stood up, the members bowed to the male as he walked out.

"He can't be just serious with this, how are we supposed to record songs, do practice and be ready for a 3 days concert in a week." Hoseok spoke being extremely pissed.

"I know, it takes at least a few weeks to decide which song we are performing then we need to have some changes and practice the choreography and lyrics." Jimin said being frustrated too.

"You know what he is just using us to cover up his mistake. I just don't understand why he can't understand that he needs to put a good vocal trailer for  new debut  group." Yoongi state being done as well.

"Hyung's I don't think it's literally any use of getting pissed and wasting our time. Let's just do the work, we have to first decide the songs we can get ready within a week to perform. Plus let's decide who is going to release the song." Tae said, they all sighed but knew the male wasn't wrong.

"I agree with tae, let's show we aren't perfect for nothing." Namjoon said with a motivating smile, they all nodded and sat back. Bogum and bang stayed there to help the boys who began to discuss the songs they can perform in the concert.

"Ok so tae you have a song ready too right?" Namjoon said, tae hummed.

"Great! I have one too, plus yoongi hyung and Jimin are ready with one too." Hoseok said.

"Great you four can record and realise the song, we don't need to have mv for the four of you. Dance choreography or just a picture with your songs behind in the background is enough." Bogum said.

"But we still need to do extra work, if you realise recording 4 songs individually plus having danc practice and vocal practice for our old songs is really tough." Jin said, they all agreed nodding his head.

"I know it's tough for you all boys, but I believe in you all. You all can do it and slay at the stage like always. You all are legend and can do anything, come on we need to be the best. Hwaiting." Bang said cheerfully, they all can't help but feel a bit motivated.

"Yeah, we can. We have grown out own and a bit of hardwork is nothing. Let's go, and slay." Namjoon said standing up they all did the same and stood up. Putting their fingers one on another they all looked at each other except yoongi who was looking in a different direction.

"Bang bang Bangtan." They shouted together and walked towards the studio room, while hoseok and yoongi were discussing and getting ready to record their songs tae and Jimin sat back having some vocal excercise.

"What happened?" Jimin asked as he saw tae sighing for countless times.

"I was thinking of calling kook before I go for the recording as I am feeling too nervous but I guess he must be working and I don't want to disturb him." Tae said, Jimin chuckled.

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