Chapter Ten: Atomu vs. Tetsuya

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Almost immediately, the two got into their battle stances. Tetsuya raised his fists to attack, and Atomu picked up an elegant-looking sword from the rack.

"Go on now. Strike me!"

Wasting no time, Tetsuya jumped up and slammed his hands on the ground. Immediately, the force from the slam rushed through him, and he rushed at Atomu.

"Take this, Prince!"

But as he swung, Atomu looked in the direction of the fist.


He parried the strike with his blade, which created a huge shockwave that nearly knocked the entire crowd out of their seats. The sword was partially damaged from the attack.

Tetsuya punched right this time, and yet again, Atomu immediately turned his attention to his right side, ducking under the punch and hitting Tetsuya with the butt of the hilt. Every time Tetsuya made a move, Atomu's RIGHT eye began to glow.


But instead of falling back, his eyes blazed and with even greater speed, he swung haymakers again and again at Atomu, who nimbly dodged all the attacks. After deflecting an uppercut and jumping back a few feet, Atomu grabbed a shield from the rack behind him, just as Tetsuya began a spin attack that raged like a tornado toward Atomu, who looked around and jumped over him.

Meanwhile, as the others looked at the fight, Tsugumi slapped her head and yelled at him.

"No technique, no focus, no strategy! Get it together!"

Akari pointed to Atomu's left eye, which was starting to turn to glass.

"It's happening again. He's overdoing it."

Tetsuya took a blow to the face from Atomu's shield, and as he fell back he stood and slammed the ground, shaking it while Atomu had to jump onto the rack to keep from falling out of the ring.

"Hmm. I see."


He kicked the rack so hard it broke in half, but Atomu had already backflipped away. Tetsuya head-butted right into Atomu's shield, shattering it into pieces.

"Your power. It's strong."

"I know! Sorry about this!"

As Tetsuya reared a fist back, Atomu tapped his glass eye, and he began to see the world much slower. He began to see what he NEEDED.


Tetsuya went up for an uppercut with his right arm, coming close to Atomu's face, but at the last moment, Atomu raised his sword to block his left, just as Tetsuya switched hands to try and strike him. The sword fell apart, making the prince take a few steps back.

"You're good too, Prince! What IS this?"

"My curse."

He got in close, surprising Tetsuya, and with every attack, and every move Tetsuya made, he was ahead of them. TOO much ahead. He dodged, countered, and held his own, as Tetsuya became more and more determined. The faster and more ferocious Tetsuya attacked, the stronger the glow on Atomu's RIGHT EYE became.


He sidestepped left and right, moving at extreme speed, and aimed a punch right at Atomu's head. Atomu rubbed his left eye as the fist nearly made contact with his face.


He put his arm up, but the blow was strong enough to knock him back a couple of feet. As he got up, Tetsuya aimed a kick at him.

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