Chapter Twenty: Preparation of War

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In the following few days, Dachii and Marachii had to get used to the massive and elegant S-1 Mansion. The cleaning robots, the moving furniture, the escalator stairs, the holographic lights and projections, it all was too advanced.

Marachii spent his time checking out all of the technology, studying it, and writing notes. Dachii, on the other hand, was keeping a close eye on Hikari and Akari, who weren't paying him much mind.

"Well, they are pretty hot. Of course, it's not gonna be easy——"


Then he reminded himself to text his old friend. "Oh, wait! She's gonna be pissed!"

He pulled out the phone and checked his text messages, and sure enough, Mihina had texted him over 200 times, worried about him and Marachii.


"where r u?"




And basically, the same things over 200 more times. After letting Marachii see, he checked his own phone and found out that she had also texted him numerous times. Both boys shared a look.

"She's gonna kill me!"

"She's gonna kill ME! I have more messages!"

"Well, I guess...we respond?"

Dachii replied with a heart, and he got an instant angry text.

"How DARE you ignore me? I was so worried!!!"

Marachii sent her a wave and she chewed him out as well.

"And YOU too! What happened to being responsible?"

After many more attempts of trying to calm her down, it finally worked. They told her that they'd moved to a new land called Voltiana, and she began to look it up, never having heard of it before.

Then after many failed attempts to find anything about it, she relented and asked them to invite her someday.

"Well, should we?"

"Probably not. Unless she's not still with Okuda, then...."


Meanwhile, Kia and Morino were in Morino's house. Kia had her head down, and Morino was patting her back. "Kia, it's okay, the boys will be fine."

"I don't want my kids serving in their army!"

"Well, it's kinda hard to get them out right now! It was either that or they'd try to execute them—-!"

"I WISH they would."

"Look, until we can get this sorted out, I'll watch over them, and General Fujii will too!"

"Right, because General Fujii is a SUPERHERO."

"Kia, honey, just trust me."

"I trust YOU, not those DEMONS in disguise!"

"Okay, okay, we'll make sure to keep them out of most of the action. They'll just be back up."

"Yeah, because that's so much better. Dad, just don't let my kids get hurt or get hurt in the process, messing with these idiotic creatures."

"Well, I'll try."

"And BRING them back home as SOON as you can! I don't like these "powers," they are using!"

Morino rubbed his chin. "Neither do I, Kia. Neither do I."

Later that day, Fujii gathered up all of the Squad in the now-repaired training room. Fujii stood with a bunch of human-sized training robots behind him. "Okay guys, let's get you ready for this HUGE war! Let's see your basic attacks!"

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