Chapter Fifteen: To Be a Winner

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"Those pesky little creatures are making plans. We'd best respond, lest we be surprise attacked."

In a dark, secluded meeting room, various representatives were seated around a silver table, with one of the eight seats left empty.  One of them, with the name tag "Ohashi Yakamochi," looked at a holographic screen in front of him.

"Look at them. All determined and prepared. I hope our forces can take them down."

Yakamochi scoffed and with one wave of his hand, the hologram disappeared. Another man, with the name tag "Nakano Ryuu," clicked a laser pen.

"The Tryouts occur today. It's clear that there is talent in that group. If all goes well, we'll be adding plenty of new members to our ranks. Members that can end this feud once and for all."

A representative with the name tag "Shiroma Hachiro" walked into the room. He pressed a button in the middle of the table, turning on a live feed of the Tryouts. He took the lone empty seat at that table, remarking:

"Yes, I met a few of the current participants years ago. Look at that girl, the one about to fight."

He pointed to Hikari. "She's got an Element. THREE of them have elements. Even a boy who was thought a human seemed to manifest one."

He smiled a wicked smile. "Yes, I think this will be the year...the year we crush those pesky tree-dwellers."


"Ready? FIGHT!"

Obara and Hikari watched each other carefully, both not moving an inch. Hikari held her hands up, smiling anxiously.

"Well, I'd love it if you don't use any balls on me, thanks—-!"

Obara wiped his nose. "Oh, don't worry! I got something even BETTER for you!" He reached into his pocket, pulling out a few small metal boxes."

"What are those—-?"

He clicked a button on them and they immediately turned into heavy metal boomerangs. He immediately tossed them in the air.

"What the—-?!"

He jumped into the air, preparing to kick both.

"Probability of impact: 85%!"

As they rushed toward Hikari's head, she jumped back and caught one right before it landed. "Phew, too close—-!" Then she had to turn right back around and duck under the other one before it took her head off.


She broke the boomerang she caught and put her fists up, ready for the next attack. Obara landed back on the ground, catching the other flying boomerang. Hikari watched him closely.

He held it in the tip of his grasp. "Hmm, probability..."

Hikari debated making a move, but she just waited for him to make one first. He threw the boomerang into the air. "75%!"

The boomerang flew through the air, going high into the sky. He drew another boomerang and rushed at Hikari. "Now to deal with you!" He took a swing at her, and she dodged.

"Woah! Careful! What's that thing made of?"

"Metal! Duh!"

They continued to duke it out. Akari and Kazue were watching intensely. Kazue gently nudged Akari. "Do you think she's got this?"

"Duh. He's probably the weakest non-human competitor left. Easy work for her."

"But those calculations...scary stuff. I still think she has this...right?"

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