Chapter 1

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Ace POV:

I was sitting on the windowsill in the living room looking out the window. The rain coming down since we had a small thunderstorm going on. I wanted to go out and do things today but the weather had other plans instead. I wasn't allowed to go out in this weather cause my friends didn't want me to get sick. I can drive but my friends didn't want me driving in this weather or possibly get in an accident because of their people not paying attention while driving during poor weather. My friends were in the gaming room playing whatever game they had just recently got from a shopping spree they had the one day. You may be wondering how do we manage to have a game room in our house? Well you see all of us ended up going to the same college after finishing high school and all went to different paths we chose that helped us out a lot in the end. So we all have good paying jobs. For me though I had gone into the forensic science field so I only get called in when they're struggling with certain cases. I may be the youngest in my field but I work hard in the field to prove people I'm capable of doing the job. My other friends anywhere in the fields of education, or medicine, or business or whatever they liked. So sometimes when I would get called into my work to help them I'd run into one of my friends. I never lost a case ever since I started that job after I finished college. I was one of the top people in my field at such a young age. Sometimes I led the cases and always went over everything a couple times to make sure everything was done correctly or if we missed something by mistake. The TV was on playing whatever I had been watching than I had changed it to the news to see what there was in my field or whatever was mentioned. Suddenly I heard the people on the news start talking about someone I never knew much of.

News POV:
"Breaking news the most wanted and feared criminal has escaped his maximum prison cell that was heavily guarded. The prison is looking into how it happened and where he could've gone. From what's been said the cameras had stopped working just around the time he escaped and the guards were all killed as well. We advise people to take extreme caution while outside or anywhere you go. We just got word of his name. It's the captain to the dangerous gang Pirate King. Captain Kim Hongjoong. He's wanted by many people all around the world for crimes he's caused to many people. He is very dangerous and heavily armed with multiple weapons. Please be advised we'll have more information coming every so often. Please listen in while we gather more information."

Ace POV:

Pirate King. Captain Kim Hongjoong. That was a name I rarely ever heard while working in my field. I was never allowed to help on those missions. I couldn't gather any information on him without being warned. I guess I can start learning things about this so called captain. I heard my friends talking in the hall. "What"

San: "Are you going to work now?"

Ace: "No. I'm not allowed to help in this type of stuff. I don't know much at all about this captain and his gang. They said to be careful going outside and anywhere you go. Camera's went off and the guards were killed just around the same time he escaped."

Wooyoung: "I'm wondering if he's getting revenge on who locked him up at different times. Every-time he gets locked up he escaped not even a few days later. You should be really careful. He may be coming to look for you and the people you look for since they helped on the different cases against him."

Ace: "I know. The thing is I don't know really anything on him or what he even looks likes. I don't really know where this prison he was in is even located at."

Jongho: "You should be careful though. If he's coming after your team he may be coming to look for you and with what he's capable of doing. I'm just worried about you."

Ace: "I know Jongho hyung. I'll be careful though alright. I'll be up for awhile to try and gather some information. You all go to bed for now. I need to go to my office to gather some stuff together. Don't disturb me. Lock all the windows and doors. I'll deal with the security stuff because I'm the only one with the access to it. San hyung and Wooyoung hyung do all the back-doors and make sure everything that's outside it put away and locked up where it won't get taken. Jongho hyung lock the front doors and do the same thing with anything outside. Get windows locked as well and all curtains closed completely. Keep your phones on standby in case of anything."

Yeosang: "What's going on? I come home from work and all I hear is you saying for stuff to get locked up"

Ace: "The captain of the Pirate King gang escaped his prison cell today. Nobody knows where he's at. All the cameras went down the moment he escaped and all the guards were killed. The team I work with helped with different cases to get him locked up. I don't know much on him at all so I need to get work done to know how dangerous he is and a possible location."

Yeosang: "What? How did he even escape"

Ace: "No clue. They said it on the news. I need to go and work now. Phones on standby and keep quiet just in case of anything." I ran down the hall to my office in our house. I checked our group chat and saw that everything was done. I went to where I kept the security stuff since I'm the only one with access to it. Once I was done with that everything was locked up and if someone would try and break in the alarms would go off and police would be here in seconds. I opened my laptop and saw different emails from my work. For the first time I was being allowed to help with this case. I opened different files and pulled some out that I kept in my office. I knew well enough tonight was going to be one of those nights I wouldn't sleep at all. This would be the case that would possibly put my life completely on the line because I knew he would go looking for everyone that got him locked up different times after he would escape. As I said before I didn't know much on him up until the report on the news. Now I'm finding so much information on him that's been shared with me. Seeing his picture. He looked maybe a year or two older than me at most. As I start this case it was up to me on how to figure out which step to take and what steps to not take and risk something that should or shouldn't happen.

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