Chapter 2

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Ace POV:

I sat in my office looking over all the paperwork I had with me at the moment. These past couple days had me stressed out but I knew once I started I wouldn't stop until he was caught. I looked over all the video footage I would be sent after he would be seen somewhere. I kept track of it on a map I had hung up in my office. Each pin I used to mark where he was spotted at it seemed he was getting closer to where my job was but the next he would be far from the city. But the one pin it made me a bit scared because of how close it was towards my house with my friends. It was a risk I was willing to take but I decided to go to the one convenient store near my house to get some drinks and snacks to eat. I locked up all the paperwork and my electronics to where only I would know where they were hidden at. I had little information on his followers in his gang but the main attention was on the captain. I grabbed my bag and left the house being quiet. It was dark outside and I decided not to take my car as to not risk being seeing or attacked while driving. I kept my face hidden and kept a low profile because of my job and certain people hating me for what caused them to get caught for their crimes they did. I got to the convenient store that was a few minutes away from my house and grabbed what I wanted. After I had paid for my stuff and left the building I decided to stop by my work to speak with my boss about some stuff for this case. It was really quiet which scared me a bit because normally there was some noise as it was not that late at night. As I was crossing the one street suddenly a car came out of nowhere speeding towards me. Before I could move something grabbed me pulling me out of the way as what sounded like gunshots going off. Whoever the person was put their body over mine to keep me from getting shot at. The car and gunshots suddenly stopped as everything went quiet. After I got up I went to turn around to see who the person was. When I looked at the person I saw an armband on their one arm. It clicked quickly where I had seen it from. Before I could run or do anything my vision when black as something was stabbed into my neck making my body go numb and give out on me.

Hongjoong POV: 

I was glad it was dark outside because of how I had escaped from being locked up. My crew had come and broke me out. I had my face hidden so I wouldn't get seen. I was walking around trying to throw the cops off from tracking me. I had gotten word that there was a new person who was learning things about me and was helping trying to track me down. I had gotten her picture. It surprised me a bit seeing it was a girl who looked maybe a year or two younger than me. I went out going to look for her. I heard what sounded like a car speeding around and people yelling different things. I saw the car come into my view suddenly out of nowhere. I saw a girl crossing the street who looked like she didn't realize she was possibly about to die. I heard what sounded like gunshots as well. I ran over and pulled her out of the way and covered her body with mine to keep her from getting killed. I heard the gunshots get loud surrounding us. Than the sound of the car and gunshots faded off in the distance. I got up and looked around really quick. I helped the girl up from the ground. When she got up and turned around seeing her face I knew who she was quick. Before she could do anything I poked a sedative into her neck to make her pass out and not be able to escape. It surprised me a bit how quick her body gave out on her. It was the girl who was helping the cops track me down. Their best worker in their field. She never lost a case since she started that job. Hope they have fun knowing their best worker is stuck with me. I saw my gang come to where we were at and left back to the base. 

Yunho: "Is that her? How did you find her so quick?"

Hongjoong: "Leaving the store down the road. Someone came by speeding and shooting guns off and she was in the direct path where they were going. Moved her out of the way and once she got back up you know the rest."

Mingi: "Hope they have fun knowing we mean business now."

I'm in love with a criminal KHJOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora