Chapter 3

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Ace POV:

What felt like a forever nightmare for me suddenly I was able to leave which surprised me. But once I got home nothing was ever the same for me. The trauma I had dealt with after everything that happened. I was always on edge and could never focus. Because of it I stepped down from my job and they understood. This would never leave me and always haunt me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. I was about to fight when I had seen my friend when I turned around

San: "Hey it's ok. It's just me Sannie. It's ok I'm sorry. I was worried because of how spaced out you got and that the water started spilling on the floor."

Ace: "I-I-I'm sorry hyung. I just. I." I couldn't figure out what to say. I didn't know what to do either. I ran off to my room locking the door and crying once I got to my bed

Wooyoung: I saw her run right past me and the sound of her door closing and locking. "She's so traumatized. What did they do to our friend? She's crying. She had to leave the job she worked so hard for. I'm really worried."

San: "I'm worried as well. We're all worried about her."

Ace: I heard my phone go off. I picked it up and saw I had a message. 

(Demon_Captain = Hongjoong, Snowy-Rebel = Ace)

Demon_Captain: Meet near city exit in ten

Snowy-Rebel: What do you want from me? I thought I did what made you happy?

Demon_Captain: Just trust me on this one. Don't let anybody follow you. Don't tell anybody where you're going. I need to talk with you

Snowy-Rebel: Fine. I'll be there than

Demon_Captain: Keep your phone on silent. Don't let it go off. Keep the brightness low and turn off your locations.

Ace: I put my phone down on my bed and grabbed my bag. I packed some stuff and looked around my room. I turned off my locations like he had told me to do. I left the house quietly not alerting my friends. I put my mask on and took off.  I knew how to get to the exit of the city within a few minutes. Whatever he wanted from me I had no clue what for. But some memories started to play in my mind when I was trapped there until I was allowed to leave. The way he was nice to me suddenly and looking out for me. If I went anywhere with them and someone tried to get near me he would make them go away in seconds. What's wrong with me? I can't be having a crush on such a criminal. It's wrong to do so. The thing is I've never had a crush nor liked anybody ever in my life. I've never dated anybody at all. I heard some noises around me and moved around quietly so I wouldn't get seen. I saw a car at the city limits. I saw someone getting out of the car but once I saw the armband on their arm I knew who it was. "Captain"

Hongjoong: "No need for the higher-up name. Just call me Hongjoong or Joong. Glad you could make it"

Ace: "What did you need? Didn't think the Pirate King captain would be one for messaging me after everything that happened. I left my job like you wanted. I stepped away from my field. Something I worked hard for and worked in."

Hongjoong: "There seems to be some people trying to copy us but we have no clue who these people are. We can't find any information on them and also trying not to be wired-tapped. I need your help so I'm asking for a favor."

Ace: "What do I get in return? The life I used to have?  Not having to be in fear anymore? Trying to start a new life for myself?"

Hongjoong: "How about a shot at me. Make it even. Won't stop you. Thinking it over the past couple weeks and realized what I did was wrong that day. Hearing what the others had told me about you. You knew nothing of me until the day I escaped. You were only learning about me on that day going forward. Realized how I treated you wasn't right. I shouldn't have done that to you that night. I want to make things right darling."

Ace: I didn't know what to say or do after what he said. "How do we make this even? Your crew of people would kill me if I even tried to lay a hand on you in the first place. I don't know how my friends would even react to me sneaking away like this and wonder where I could've gone off to. Exactly when did these people start to copy your gang to begin with?"

Hongjoong: "We only noticed today because jeong had seen it on the news. I know it would go against everything you worked with and possibly have them start to track you or wire-tap you through the web. I know it sounds weird coming from a gang captain asking for help but this will help you get even on me."

Ace: I thought it over while he had talked to me. I guess it's time to break free from the fear that's been holding me back. I saw him put his hand out. "Deal" I shook his hand and saw the smile from him. "As you wish Joong. Take me back there and I'll get to work on this. Knowing how to do security stuff like that I know how to not get caught. I know more than the people I worked with ever knew for that type of stuff."

Hongjoong: "Right this way than princess. Glad to have you on my side"

Ace: "As I said before in my life to the people I worked with. Sometimes rules are made to be broken. Sometimes you have to step over the boundaries and take the shot to get to the finish. There is no backing out once you started what you started. You're there until you finish it. Why I always won each case and trial I worked in."

Hongjoong: "Take key in that. I never knew someone like you had so much strength and power in those moments. To others you had gotten locked up you were their main target to get revenge on but always avoided and finished the issue. On all words of respect I never once did doubt you on your work. It always amazed me at how you did your job. Nobody your age would ever manage to prove the people who would judge who you really are and can do that job."

Ace: "Work hard. Fight for what you have. Don't turn back and make it to the finish line. Never give up. Give it your all and do everything correct. Never miss anything. Take notes on everything that happens and focus on the main subjects and you'll have the answer to the problem."

Hongjoong: "Strong words for an angel like you. I know this will all be hard for you since you worked with this stuff and know it's wrong. I won't stop you. I won't let my crew stop you either. We have a room set up for you. Park had gone out and got some stuff you may like to set up the room awhile."

Ace: "Very well. Let's get to work on this problem. Joong" With that I got in the car with him and we drove off to his base or what some would call a mansion. This is it. I'm helping the most wanted and feared criminal in the world. I'm going against everything I fought against. But something in my mind told me I wouldn't regret this and that my calling spot would be known soon. When we got in the car I watched as he held my hand and a small smile show and what looked like a little blush. So I may not be the only one than with these feelings.

I'm in love with a criminal KHJOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant