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With a deep sigh, Trevor lowered himself onto the sidewalk beside his best friend. From behind them, the sound of their classmates screaming to the current song filled the air.

"Senior prom was not what everyone insisted it would be," Trevor spoke, as he passed Olivia the flask he stole from his father. 

"I should be having fun, but instead I'm sad," Olivia replied, her fingers slowly unscrewing the top of the flask.

"Why are you sad?" Trevor asked, his fingers brushing a long brown curl away from Olivia's freckled shoulder.

"We graduate in less than a week, Trev. As soon as graduation is done, we will all go our separate ways," Olivia frowned, before taking a long drink of the whiskey in the flask.

"You and I aren't going our separate ways. Besties for life, right?" Trevor smiled. Olivia turned to look at him and frowned deeply. She wanted to agree, but she knew otherwise. High school friends rarely make it through life together.

"Trev, I will always love you. You are my best friend and I wouldn't have made it through high school without you," Olivia smiled weakly, her eyes brimming with tears.


"We are going to get busy with life, and I think we will forget about each other. You will find some blonde bombshell to spend your life with, and chances are I'll be some old spinster with at least ten cats..." Olivia trailed off, as the first tears slipped down her cheeks. She quickly went to brush them away but stopped when Trevor's large hand cupped her cheek.

"I will never forget you, Olivia Benson," Trevor breathed. He leaned in close and pressed a kiss to the corner of Olivia's mouth before moving directly to her lips. Olivia quickly snaked her arms around Trevor's neck for the first time, her body pressing firmly against his chest.

The energy inside the hall changed as a slow song started, but the making out grew more intense as the moments went by. Trevor worked the zipper down on the back of Olivia's dress before stopping abruptly when someone cleared their throat from behind them.

"Mr. Langan and Miss Benson. I believe you two should come back inside," Principal Anderson spoke, as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest. Olivia felt as blood rushed to her cheeks and she took shaky breaths.

"Sorry, Mr. Anderson. We will be right in," Trevor replied, as he stood slowly and shoved the flask into his pocket.

"I will be waiting with you two. I wouldn't want anything to happen," The older man frowned.

Trevor reached a hand out to Olivia and she hesitantly took it before walking back into the hall. The moment the doors closed, Trevor looked at Olivia and frowned softly. After what they just shared, Trevor was sad now. If Olivia was right, the kisses they just shared would be the first and last ever.


Olivia sat in the stands at the football field. Chairs were being put away by a few groundkeepers, and most of the seniors had gathered in the parking lot before they headed off to a water park to celebrate graduation. 

"I thought you had already left," Trevor smiled, as the old metal creaked under his footsteps. Olivia shook her head as she reached a hand out to him.

"My mom got called in to work, so I decided to hang out for a while before going home. Are you going to the water park?" Olivia asked as Trevor sank beside her.

"We couldn't afford it, even with the help of project graduation... so maybe we could hang out?" Trevor asked as he ran a hand over Olivia's lower back. She slipped to his side and rested her head heavily against his shoulder.

"Can we make a deal?" Olivia questioned.

"What do you mean?" Trevor questioned.

"If you end up single and lonely by thirty-two, we will find each other and see if we still care about each other... Love each other..." Olivia trailed off.

"What about you? We will make this deal, but then I'll track you down and find that you are happily married and have seventeen kids and four dogs," Trevor sighed, as Olivia slowly lifted her head from his shoulder.

"No one is happily married with seventeen kids, Trev. Anyway, no one has truly shown interest in me other than you. I would say that we should start dating and do long distance, but neither of us would be able to enjoy college if we were doing long distance. So what do you think?" Olivia replied.

"Are we allowed to date along the way?" Trevor questioned.

"Of course, because I don't want us to be holding out for one another. If you find the woman of your dreams and get married to her, I'll understand," Olivia spoke.

Trevor nodded slowly before turning to face Olivia. He reached his hand out to her before quickly pulling it back and going to spit on it.

"Absolutely not, Trevor Langan! I'm not shaking your hand when it's covered in spit. Let's just agree that if we are lonely and still single by thirty-two, we can consider a relationship. Got it?" Olivia exclaimed.

"Deal. Now, shake on it without the sealing powers of spit," Trevor grinned. Olivia took his large hand into hers before firmly shaking it. Before she could pull her hand away, Trevor was pulling her close and pressing a firm kiss to her gloss-covered lips.

They parted ways about fifteen minutes later, and Olivia was wondering if they'd keep the deal or break it. She knew that her heart would break the moment she saw Trevor standing with a woman he truly loved instead of herself, but she'd deal with that when the time came. Until then, she was going to try to enjoy life while counting down the days until she got to kiss Trevor Josiah Langan once again.

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